Peter Sweden: UNREAL: they revealed the SECRET geoengineering project | The Gateway Expert

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This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him on

What if I told you there was a real CONSPIRACY going on?

A research experiment that they kept hidden from the public because they feared a negative reaction.

Because that’s exactly what’s happening.

And keep reading until the end, because you will never guess who was involved in this project…

From the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in San Francisco Bay, researchers at the University of Washington LAUNCHED trillions of salt particles into the atmosphere in a bid to block sunlight from the earth.

This is obviously all done in the name of stopping global warming!

They say organizers did not widely announce this experiment to “avoid a public backlash.”

“The idea of ​​interfering with nature is so controversial that organizers of Tuesday’s test kept the details tightly under wraps, worried that critics would try to stop them,” the New York Times wrote.

In other words, this is not a conspiracy theory. It is by definition a matter of conspiracy. They conspired to keep this experiment secret.

No wonder they tried to keep it a secret, because I think most people would not be happy to know that people are trying to change the weather and block the sunlight.

They are using specially built sprinklers to shoot trillions of salt crystals into the sky, trying to increase the density and reflectivity of the clouds.

And this is nothing new. A company called Make Sunsets has launched a weather balloon to release TOXIC sulfur dioxide into the air to block the sun.

The idea is that they will block the sun and therefore decrease the temperature on earth. This is a terrible idea.

In Sweden we had the COLDEST January night of the century. In Arjeplog the temperature was -48.8°C. I really don’t want it to get any colder – Thanks!

The state of Tennessee recently voted to ban geoengineering in the state. They were ridiculed in the mainstream media for this, because it was more or less just a “conspiracy theory”.

What kind of unintended consequences might we have if we sprayed chemicals into the air to block sunlight? What if it causes a global cooling episode where an ice age occurs? This is dangerous.

Greenpeace is also skeptical of the idea of ​​solar geoengineering, saying the consequences of it would be difficult to predict.

A Silicon Valley engineer who had previously worked at Xerox and developed a nozzle for spraying printer ink particles was now asked to develop a nozzle for spraying sea salt aerosols.

Way back in 2009, this engineer received a $300,000 investment from Bill Gates to work on developing this. A team worked on this sprayer and it was ready last year.

So here we are.

A project that began with investments from Bill Gates now involved spraying particles into the atmosphere with the aim of blocking sunlight to stop climate change.

And they did it in secret to avoid public reactions.


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Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has spent years reporting what the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him at

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