We also created a completely separate professional list that brought in another 80-90 calls per month without competing at all with the client’s main list.
However, it’s not easy to keep leads increasing at the same rate forever. Sometimes, getting early wins like this can create expectations that things will continue to climb at the same pace over time, which is very difficult to sustain.
One of the ways we learned from this was to dedicate a lot of resources to continuous testing to find new keyword patterns that delivered both search volume and leads. Once we identify a keyword pattern that we haven’t seen before in Google Search Console (GSC), we create content on that topic and see how much traffic and conversions it gets. If it’s successful, we add it to an internal list broken down by industry.
Over the past year, we’ve more than doubled the list of keyword templates that do this job for most local businesses. Two examples of these would be cost keywords and “near me” keywords.