Numerous carjackings in Democrat-run DC swamp; Crime spans two blocks | The Gateway Expert

Thanks to lawless Democrats, DC continues to be a crime-infested cesspool.

A Northwest Washington suburb woke up Friday morning to about 29 cars being broken into overnight from Cathedral Avenue to Calvert Street. The crime wave stretched for about two blocks.

The vehicles had windows smashed and numerous items were missing. The unidentified thieves appeared to be rapidly going through the cars attempting to take what they saw.

ABC 7 WJLA reported:

WASHINGTON (7News) — Numerous vehicles in a two-block stretch of Northwest, D.C. were broken into overnight, 7News has learned.

The victims told 7News the break-ins occurred along a stretch of 29th Street from Cathedral Avenue to Calvert Street. They said the estimated number was 20 to 30 vehicles and police said many of the vehicles were missing items.

“It seems like there were just people rushing through them trying to grab what they could,” one victim told 7News.

“Washington police are investigating after someone broke into 29 cars along a two-block stretch in Northwest.” ABC WJLA reported.

“You can see all those freshly broken windows, glass everywhere. Police say items were missing from several cars.” ABC WJLA reported.


There have been no arrests at this time. There is still an ongoing investigation with D.C. police.

DC has seen a sharp increase in crime, especially car thefts. TGP reported in December last year that an off-duty police officer foiled car thieves who targeted him and his family.

Car thefts in the nation’s capital increased 111% in the first ten months of 2023.

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