How to make the most of the hours of the day

At some point you’ve probably heard (or used) the phrase, “There aren’t enough hours in the day.” It’s a common expression that basically means you have too much to do and not enough time to do it. We all know what it’s like to have too much on our plates. Like it or not, life can be challenging. But with the right strategies, you can truly make the most of every minute.

Are you ready to master time management and increase productivity so you can make the most of the hours in your day? Here are six tips for maximizing your time and minimizing distractions.

1. Use productivity software

To make the most of the limited hours in a day, it’s crucial to plan ahead and stick to a schedule.

There are so many ways to do this nowadays that you may feel overwhelmed by your options. Some people prefer to use physical calendars; others might create lists and set reminders on their phones. Productivity software is an excellent option because these tools are designed with productivity and organization in mind.

Online scheduling tools like, Microsoft Calendar, and Google Calendar have countless features to help you stay organized. You can block times and color code different activities (for example, blue for personal meetings and red for work meetings). You can also set reminders, schedule recurring meetings, sync calendars with teammates, and much more.

Online planning tools are also getting smarter. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, many online calendars become more unique to you the more you use them. Once you routinely use a scheduling tool, you’ll see that it will do the heavy lifting for you.

2. Start the time block

When you start using a digital calendar, you’ll likely start blocking out time. Time blocking is one of the main reasons to keep a calendar and has numerous benefits. This strategy allows you to plan every hour of your day using “blocks” for various tasks. Planning every aspect of your day (including breaks) helps you stay focused and get a lot done. How much time you spend on each task is entirely up to you, so it also allows you to be in control of your day.

Time blocking is a great way to plan your days, but it also helps you understand how you spend your time. When you don’t have a tool that allows you to visualize your day, the days start to blend together. You can make improvements if you can see how you spend your time. This helps you become more productive and make better use of your time.

For example, if you notice that work meetings are taking over your calendar, you can make changes to fix the problem. Determine whether meetings are unnecessary, could be shorter, or could occur every two weeks instead of weekly. On the other hand, let’s say you have two hours blocked off for lunch but find yourself working towards the end. Maybe you just need an hour for lunch. The more accurate your calendar is, the more efficient it will be to use your time.

3. Set boundaries and limit distractions

Managing your time seems pretty simple once you learn the tips, tricks, and strategies for doing so. Unfortunately, when you actually put them into practice, many distractions can get in your way. After you’ve worked hard to create a plan and develop healthy habits, you don’t want small things to ruin your success. That’s why it’s so important to set boundaries not only with others but also with yourself.

Setting boundaries with others may involve saying “no” every now and then in an effort to stay on task. This is a time when you will find it extremely helpful to keep a calendar and block out time. If your days are planned out, it will be easier to say no to lower priority tasks. Or, if the task is essential, but you’re too busy, you can schedule it for later. Likewise, setting boundaries with yourself is important. This involves becoming disciplined and limiting distractions. Stay on task, and if you notice things distracting you, get rid of them when you need to be productive.

4. Try using a time management technique

Time management can be a difficult thing to master. Fortunately, there are several time management techniques that help you manage your time and increase productivity. If you prefer structure but don’t know where to start, a time management technique can be extremely helpful.

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management technique created by author Francesco Cirillo. A timer is used to divide the work into 25-minute intervals followed by five-minute breaks. After several consecutive work intervals, called Pomodoro, you can take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. This technique is believed to increase productivity because it improves people’s relationship with time. Instead of viewing time as a stressor, you have optimal work time to focus on tasks, AND you are guaranteed a break.

Many other time management techniques, including the Rapid Planning Method (RPM), the Getting Things Done (GTD) technique, and the Pareto Principle. Find one that works for you and keep it consistent. These techniques are proven to be effective, and when used in conjunction with other time management strategies, you will be unstoppable.

5. Make sure you prioritize your tasks

Another popular time management technique is the Eisenhower Matrix. The Eisenhower Matrix is ​​the perfect tool for prioritizing your tasks. It helps you group tasks into categories based on importance and urgency. The most important and urgent tasks require your immediate attention. Those that are still important but less urgent can be scheduled. And those that aren’t should be eliminated or delegated. It’s easier to make the most of the hours in your day when you figure out what’s most important on your to-do list.

It’s normal to feel very busy and feel like you have too many tasks to do. This technique offers a solution for when you feel you have too much homework and not enough time. It forces you to ask tough questions like, “This is it Truly a top priority?” Or “Should I do this or can I ask someone for help?” Focus on what’s most important right now and use the general guidelines when deciding what to do with additional tasks. Before you know it, We’ll Have a manageable load of tasks for you each day.

6. Make time to work AND Play

Making time for work and personal activities is extremely important. Even if you are very organized, you will still feel exhausted if all you do is work. Making the most of your hours means making time for everything that’s important to you, including more than just work. It can consist of dinners with friends or moments of physical exercise.

When you review the calendar view of your days, weeks, and months, make sure you’ve set aside time for personal activities. Whether you’re going out to dinner or just taking care of yourself at home, personal time is just as important as work time. And when you use a calendar tool to prioritize both tasks, you will see its positive impact on your daily life.

Making the most of your hours in the day doesn’t mean you have to be highly productive every second. It simply means that you have a plan to accomplish everything you set out to do in one day. And if you use the proper techniques and strategies, you shouldn’t feel exhausted. Instead, you should feel accomplished, ready for a good night’s sleep, and ready to do it all again the next day. Establishing a routine that allows you to get as much done as possible puts your mind at ease. When you manage your hours the right way, nothing can stop you.

Featured image credit: Photo by Zen Chung; Pexels

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