REPORT: Squatters took over 1,200 homes in Atlanta, Georgia, turning one into an illegal strip club | The Gateway Expert

Squatters have taken over more than 1,200 homes in Atlanta, Georgia, and are terrorizing neighbors with loud parties. One house was even turned into an illegal strip club.

This is a symptom of the lawlessness that has gripped the country in recent years, and to make matters worse, laws often favor squatters, making it extremely difficult for homeowners to get rid of them.

If this is allowed to continue, the problem will only get worse as it spreads.

PJ Media reports:

Dem Paradise: Squatters occupy 1,200 Atlanta homes and open a strip club

In the latest episode of Democrat Urban Utopia, squatters are reportedly taking over hundreds of Atlanta homes, terrorizing neighbors and even opening an illegal strip club.

According to the New York Post, the police response to evict the occupants is so delayed that some desperate homeowners have even bribed the intruders to leave. Entire neighborhoods have been ruined by the horde of squatters. The director of a local cleaning company, Matt Urbanski, underlined the severity of the crisis, saying: “In Atlanta, I would be terrified if I rented one of my properties.”

He should know, as he cleans out the homes of “corporate owners,” according to the Post. Not only does Urbanski have to clean up the squatters’ belongings, but one of his employees was also killed following his recent attempt to remove the squatters from private property.

Crime is a major problem in Democratic-run Atlanta, which saw record homicides in 2021. While in Atlanta, violent crime reportedly declined in 2023, car thefts increased. PJ Media’s Chris Queen, who has lived in metro Atlanta his entire life, noted that Democrats’ anti-crime policies likely contribute to the squatter crisis.

“Some parts of metro Atlanta — the areas under total Democratic control — look the other way when it comes to crime, so it’s no surprise that criminals are becoming increasingly bold and creative,” Queen said.

Should this be part of the Democratic “fairness” agenda?

This could very quickly end badly. Atlanta authorities would do well to address this issue before people start taking matters into their own hands.

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