Biden regime threatens to mass release thousands of illegals from detention following Senate failure to pass disastrous open borders legislation | The Gateway Expert

The $95 billion foreign aid package approved by the Senate earlier this week did not include provisions for opening the U.S. border.

On Tuesday morning, the Senate passed Schumer’s supplemental aid package and allocated $95 billion to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. 22 Republicans voted in favor of giving money to foreign countries while ignoring the crisis at the US border.

The $95 billion package died in the House. President Johnson immediately closed it without a vote.

Now the Biden regime says ICE will likely have to release thousands of illegals in custody because they won’t have the funds to keep them detained.

ICE has a negative balance of about $700 million on its budget, a figure that could have been resolved if the funding had included border provisions.

This has led ICE leaders in higher positions of authority to consider releasing approximately 16,000 illegal aliens in their custody for cost-cutting purposes.

This is the threat of the regime. Either we fund our scandalous open border policies or we will release thousands more illegals on top of the millions of illegals already released into the country since Joe Biden took office.

Fox News reported:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement risks having to release thousands of detainees because of a budget deficit that will persist after the failure of a Senate border bill.

ICE is currently facing a $700 million budget deficit that would have been addressed by the Senate border bill that failed to pass last week, forcing agency leaders to float proposals for cost savings, such as reducing its detention capacity and releasing about 16,000 migrants, according to ICE. a Washington Post report.

According to the report, the bill would provide $6 billion in additional funding for ICE enforcement operations, a big boost for the agency ahead of the spring’s typically busy illegal crossing window.

This would only further the invasion of our nation. Currently, estimates are that around 11 million illegal immigrants have taken the United States by storm. That number is increasing rapidly every day.

That number exceeds the populations of 41 individual states.

The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for ICE as an oversight body.

TGP reported Tuesday that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was the first Cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years.

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