Climate activists pour red dust on the Constitution case in the National Archives

In recent years, climate activists have started pouring things (like paint or soup) on famous works of art to draw attention to their message. Of course, these works of art are behind thick glass, so these acts do not actually destroy the object. But symbolically, they attract attention. As we learn from First Amendment doctrine, one way to get attention is to destroy things that other people find valuable, such as burning draft cards and American flags. (As much as I respect Justice Scalia’s vote Texas vs. JohnsonI’m still not sure he was right.)

Now, climate activists have turned to something that I – and I suspect you too – find of the highest value: the Constitution of the United States. Two men poured a sort of red powder on the case that houses the original Constitution at the National Archives.

For generations, activists have sought to tarnish the Constitution, figuratively speaking. Now they are literally doing it.

These men should receive the maximum sentence allowed by law.

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