Understanding Karine Jean-Pierre’s perspective on DC crime


Screenshot: Citizen-free press

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre received a heavy dose of criticism on social media after initially saying she would not get involved in politics on a crime issue in Washington, D.C., then immediately pointing the finger at Republicans.

A reporter at Wednesday’s press conference noted that “murders are on the rise, crime is on the rise, car thefts are on the rise” in the nation’s capital and asked Jean-Pierre, “Does the president believe that Is the nation’s capital safe for Americans who come from all over the country to visit?” ?”

What followed was a confusing response.

“I mean, look, we see, we listen to the reports and we see the data too. And all violent crime anywhere is completely unacceptable, not just here in Washington,” she said. “We will be calling them all in communities across the country.”

Jean-Pierre then insisted that he doesn’t want to “get into, you know, politics on this,” before immediately getting into, you know, politics on this.

“The President wants to make sure communities feel safe. And we don’t see that from congressional Republicans. We simply aren’t. They keep getting in each other’s way,” he said. “The President has taken action. He puts it into his budget every day, making sure he’s making communities safer. And we just don’t see that from Republicans.”

The secretary then urged “Republican members of Congress” to join the fight against crime.

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Jean-Pierre’s ridiculous response

There is a lot to explain in Jean-Pierre’s response, and as a service to our readers, so as not to lose your mind trying to translate what was said, we are here to do it for you.

First, President Joe Biden’s spinmaster begins the conversation with, “I mean, look,” which must be some sort of signal that a lie is imminent. In fact, during yesterday’s press conference, he used the phrase “I mean” 16 separate times. We’re not kidding, check out the transcript. He used the word “look” to start a response 9 more times.

Second, suggesting that you will remain above the fray of politics and then immediately blaming your political opponents three times over the course of about 30 seconds is next-level enlightenment.

Third, how can crime in Washington be the fault of Republicans when, of the 15 city council seats in that cesspool, there are zero, count ’em, zero Republicans?

Fourth, what the hell does that mean? “The President has taken action. He puts it in his budget every day, making sure he’s making communities safer.” Biden now has a daily crime budget, right?

Viewers of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, were not convinced by Jean-Pierre’s BOM.

“It’s always the fault of those evil MAGA extremists,” one user wrote.

Another described Jean-Pierre as “a slow-motion fireball in a theater with no exits.”

“When they stole my car in DC, they yelled ‘this is MAGA country’ as they walked away laughing,” said another he joked.

“The woman does nothing but lie,” one user he underlined. “Why put her on this platform?”

I mean, look, that’s a good question.

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He says this days after a Trump official was shot and killed in a carjacking

What is particularly galling about Jean-Pierre’s attempt to blame Republicans for crime in Washington is the fact that she said this about two weeks after Mike Gill, who worked at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission during of former President Donald Trump in the White House, was killed. in a carjacking and then died.

NBC reports that in Washington, “shootings, murders and carjackings have soared, spilling over into neighborhoods that have typically been spared that kind of violence” in 2023.

But this, according to Jean-Pierre, is due to the GOP, which has no representation in the city council or the mayor’s office.

Meanwhile, a recent Rasmussen poll indicates that Republicans have a large advantage when it comes to handling crime in the eyes of American voters.

The latest poll finds that 48% of likely US voters trust Republicans more when it comes to handling crime and law enforcement issues, while 36% trust Democrats more.

But look, I don’t want to “get into, you know, politics on this” or anything.

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