On February 18, 2017, First Lady Melania Trump led the audience in the Lord’s Prayer at a rally in Florida.
Melania was speaking at a rally thanking the American people less than a month after Trump took office.
President Trump won the White House with the support of the American people and shocked the world.
The day after the rally in Florida, Father Giacomo Capoverdi shared a fascinating story about the Hermit of Loreto, Italy, who predicted Donald Trump’s presidency in the 1980s.
The holy man from Loretto shared a premonition that President Donald Trump would help lead America back to God.
This was decades before Trump even decided to run for president of the United States. So it seemed like an outlandish prediction at the time.
The Roman Catholic Man reported:
Father Giacomo Capoverdi shared the fascinating story of his meeting with the Hermit of Loreto (the author of the Prayer Book of the Pietà), at the site of the Holy House of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In this video, Father Capoverdi shares an extraordinary premonition that this Hermit of Loreto had in the 1980s about Donald J. Trump. Please watch as my father shares this incredible story.
Here is the video by Giacomo Capoverdi:
President Trump brought peace to the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. President Trump appointed three new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who later struck down the Roe v. abortion law. Wade who ruled the country for decades.
Now, despite the unprecedented persecution against him, despite the scandalous fines for doing business in New York City, despite the demons swirling around him hoping to destroy him, President Trump continues to fight – for the people and for America .
Perhaps the Hermit of Loreto was right.
The country needs President Trump right now. Please pray for this courageous and selfless man.
Hat tip to Fred