Biden reportedly refers to Trump as a “sick fuck” in private — and the media loves it


President Biden referred to his predecessor, Donald Trump, as a "sick fuck" in private conversations with close friends and associates, according to a report from Politico.
Screenshot: CNN YouTube video

According to a report from Politico, President Joe Biden called his predecessor, Donald Trump, a “sick f***er” in private conversations with close friends and aides.

The outlet cited multiple sources who heard the President use foul language when describing the likely GOP nominee for the White House.

“The president has described Trump to longtime friends and aides as a ‘sick asshole’ who revels in the misfortunes of others,” they write.

Politico also says that one of the sources they spoke with said Biden recently remarked about Trump, “What a damn asshole that guy is.”

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Biden, the man who relied on decency, calls Trump a ‘sick fuck’

Remember when Dr. Jill once supported this “Is Decency on the Ballot” Before the 2020 Presidential Election? Surely the left will come out and loudly condemn the President for using such language.

Or maybe not.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough celebrated the news and informed Biden’s handlers that voters would like to see more of this tough guy version.

“I think that might be one of the reasons why the White House probably should let him out more,” Scarborough said. “There were concerns that he wouldn’t come out, he wouldn’t do enough things, he wouldn’t answer enough questions.”

Others on social media also believe Biden has increased his credibility with this report.

Even Meghan McCain, perpetually bitter and not very serious, loves this version of Biden.

“Him calling Trump ‘sick f***ing man’ is my favorite thing he’s done in months and months,” he wrote on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

The New Republic said President Biden should call Trump a “sick fuck” in public.

“Biden should just go ahead and say it publicly. Not always, obviously. But once or twice,” they write. “He won’t hurt. It will most likely help.”

They also claim, without evidence, that most of America agrees with Biden. In reality, Biden has a lower approval rating than Trump, and we think that most Americans while shopping or collecting their paycheck, or anyone who has been sniffed by him, might think that Biden is actually projecting.

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It’s not the first time Biden has acted like this

It’s funny that this report calling his political opponent a “sick fuck” came out around the same time that Biden, the candidate for decency and civility, was discussing controlling people and helping them live happier days. sunny with… Elmo.

Of course, the nice guy joke was always a ruse. After all, this is the same guy who calls reporters who don’t parrot his talking points a “sick son of a dick.”

Biden also, speaking at a campaign rally for former Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp in 2018, suggested that his Republican opponent needed to be beaten up.

And who could forget that Biden said of Trump: “If we were in high school, I would take him behind the gym and beat the shit out of him.”

Look, we’re under no illusion that Trump is a saint when it comes to this sort of thing, but Biden’s comments are just as inappropriate.

However, only one will be portrayed negatively in the media for this.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox … More about Rusty Weiss


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