BREAKING: RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Resigns | The Gateway Expert

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In a surprising development, Ronna Romney McDaniel, the embattled chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), is set to resign from her post after the South Carolina GOP primary on February 24, the New York Times reported.

This news comes after Donald Trump met with Ronna McDaniel at the Mar-a-Lago estate following her prediction of impending “changes” within the RNC.

Following the meeting, President Donald Trump announced plans to offer recommendations for the party’s growth following South Carolina’s upcoming GOP primary.

Trump’s post-meeting statements on Truth Social were cryptic about McDaniel’s future, promising a decision on the direction of the RNC after the South Carolina primary.

Trump wrote:

“Things are going great in the 2024 presidential race against Crooked Joe Biden. We have advantages, in many cases substantial, in virtually every head-to-head poll. The primaries appear to be over, but next week I’m going to South Carolina to eliminate a very unpopular candidate. I’m going to Nevada on Thursday for the Nevada Caucus, where there are 26 delegates – hopefully we’ll get most of them. In my successful run in 2016, the state of Michigan actually pulled it off: for the first time in decades it was won by a Republican, and it was led by my friend Ronna McDaniel. Ronna now heads the RNC and I will make a decision the day after the South Carolina Primary regarding my recommendations for the growth of the RNC.

Ronna McDaniel informed President Trump of her intentions to resign from her post shortly after the Feb. 24 South Carolina primary, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

According to the New York Times, Trump is favoring Michael Whatley, the current chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP), to fill the leadership void.

Last month, Donald Trump expressed his support for Michael Whatley to serve as RNC co-chair, giving him his “complete and total support” in a message to his followers.

Trump wrote in an email:

“North Carolina Republican Chairman Michael Whatley is running to become co-chairman of the Republican National Committee next week in California.

In addition to leading North Carolina to tremendous success in recent elections, including Senator Ted Budd’s victory, he helped turn North Carolina red, with my help, of course. Mike is

MAGA all the way!

He has been with me and true Republicans all the way, helped America First candidates get elected, and will be a great co-chair of the RNC.

Michael Whatley has my complete and total support. Towards victory in 2024!”

Since Ronna Romney McDaniel took over the leadership of the GOP in 2017, the party’s grip on power appears to have loosened. On her watch, Republicans experienced a series of electoral setbacks, losing eight gubernatorial races, three Senate seats, 19 House seats and a presidential race.

The Gateway Pundit reported Saturday that the RNC is looking to open a line of credit to help pay bills and offset recent dismal fundraising levels.

It may be recalled that donations to the inept Republican Party have reached their lowest level in 8 years under Ronna McDaniel.

North Carolina’s 13th District Committee expresses no tolerance for “frivolous spending” coupled with “dismal performance.”

An in-depth investigation by RedState has revealed troubling details about the spending habits of the Republican National Committee (RNC) under the leadership of Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, highlighting a troubling pattern of spending on non-essential items.

This report comes more than a year after the initial exposé that revealed millions in donor funds earmarked for high-end luxury items and entertainment.

The latest financial review, based on Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, compares the RNC’s spending to that of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from October 20, 2022, to November 30, 2023. The results show a stark contrast in financial situation. priority between the two parties.

Here’s a breakdown of spending categories between the RNC and DNC:

Floral arrangements:

  • RNC: $70,328.00
  • DNC: $795


  • RNC: $1,078,279.47
  • DNC: $114,000

Office supplies:

  • RNC: $297,717.64
  • DNC: $45,005


  • RNC: $263,127.25
  • DNC: $7,000

Maintenance of voter files:

  • RNC: $39,233.50
  • DNC: $235,865.88

GOTV Lyrics:

  • RNC: $86,019
  • DNC: $1,676,923.29

State expenditure:

  • RNC: $13,800,200
  • DNC: $23,835,437

The organization outspent the DNC in areas such as floral arrangements, consultants, office supplies and limousines.

The DNC has funneled significantly more funds into key areas such as voter file maintenance, Get Out The Vote (GOTV) messaging campaigns, and state party support, which are traditionally vital to electoral success.

On Tuesday, Mike Reed, chief of staff for the Republican National Committee (RNC), will also resign from his position at the end of this month, according to a report from Politico.

Reed, who has held the position since January 2022, announced his decision to step down in an email, citing the need to dedicate more time to his growing family as the primary reason for his departure.

This is a developing story. We will update this article as more details become available.

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