CNN’s Van Jones Says Young Voters Calling Biden ‘Genocide Joe’ Are a ‘Big Problem for Him’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Expert

Former Obama advisor and CNN contributor Van Jones recently commented that young voters calling Joe Biden “Genocide Joe” are a big problem facing his re-election.

Jones is referring to young leftists who are organizing wild pro-Hamas protests in New York and on college campuses. At some point in recent years, despising Israel became progressive orthodoxy.

All of this puts Biden in an almost impossible position, as most Americans support Israel, but the far-left base of the Democratic Party wants Biden to side with Hamas.

Van Joes is not often right, but on this point he is right. This is a problem for Biden.

FOX News reports:

Former Obama advisor says Biden faces a ‘big problem’ as young voters call him ‘Genocide Joe’ during Gaza war

Former Obama official Van Jones warned Thursday that Biden has “his work cut out for him” trying to win back the trust of young, Arab and Muslim voters who oppose his support for Israel amid the war in Gaza…

Thursday night’s episode of CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront focused heavily on Biden’s attempts to win back the trust of Arab-American voters by visiting Michigan in person. It featured students who would be voting for the first time and a former Biden campaign organizer who said he would no longer vote for the president, considering him complicit in Palestinian deaths…

Burnett turned to Jones and asked him about the former campaign staffer who turned against Biden over his foreign policy in Gaza. Burnett recalled telling the CNN reporter in Michigan “that he will no longer vote for Biden even knowing that it might help Trump. He says Biden is “not someone I can trust.” How big of a problem is this for Biden right now, Van?

“It’s a big deal for him right now,” Jones responded. “There are four syllables addressed to him. “Genocide Joe.” He’s becoming something that you hear from younger people, from younger voters in the Arab-American community.”

Here is the video. Stick with this after Van’s comments to hear GOP strategist David Urban talk about how minority voters and workers are shifting toward Trump.

It says a lot about what the Democratic Party has become that this is a problem for its young base.

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