Create Your Own Fountain of Youth: Inside Bryan Johnson’s $10,000 Anti-Aging Home Gym

Let’s forget about snake oil and miracle cures. Bryan Johnson, a Silicon Valley iconoclast who sold his company Braintree for $800 million, modifies his biology through good old-fashioned grit, mostly with barbells and burpees. His secret weapon? Well, there are many things, but today we will talk about his home gym and more importantly, his anti-aging home gym.

But this isn’t your average home gym. Not only is it precisely designed, but Johnson also uses a scientific approach to exercise that puts most personal trainers to shame.

Johnson’s story is a middle finger to Father Time. In an effort to prolong his life, he embarked on a bold mission: to reverse the biological clock with Project Blueprint.

But can you forge your fountain of youth? Well, let’s take a look at Johnson’s $10,000 gym and home routine.

Building a biohacking gym

There’s nothing ordinary about Johnson’s home gym. In it, he has access to cutting-edge biohacking technology that optimizes his physical performance and health.

His gym includes:

  • Playground for biohacking. Johnson’s gym features a variety of biohacking tools, including a blood ketone monitor, a cold pool, and a hyperbaric chamber. In addition to optimizing your physiology, these tools are designed to speed up your recovery.
  • Arsenal for strength training. In addition to barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells, the gym boasts a full set of weightlifting equipment. As a result of using these tools, Johnson can increase muscle mass and strength, which are critical factors in maintaining metabolic health.
  • Cardio cabin. Johnson uses a high-tech treadmill to simulate the incline and decline of terrain as part of his cardio workout.
  • Recovery retreat. Johnson’s morning routine consists of red therapy. This method can also help treat pain and inflammation throughout the body, which is helpful after rigorous workouts. Additionally, “red light therapy (RLT) is an emerging treatment that is showing promise in treating wrinkles, redness, acne, scarring, and other signs of aging,” according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Bryan Johnson Home Gym Equipment

If you want to replicate Bryan Johnson’s home gym as best as possible, here is the equipment you should consider purchasing.





Weight plates:


Lower body and back strength:

As part of his protocol, Johnson also uses an abdominal machine that can simulate 20,000 sit-ups in 30 minutes. However, the Winkonlaser Renasculpt machine costs between $5,200 and $5,700.

Bryan Johnson Abs Machine Workout

Since this is out of most people’s price range, more affordable options exist. For example, the Flextone Abdominal Stimulator Muscle Toner costs $165.

The Johnson Method: A Training Regimen for the Relentless

Johnson’s exercise regimen rivals that of his home gym. In addition to HIIT, strength training and metabolic conditioning, he follows a science-backed training program.

Every day he practices for about an hour and performs 25 exercises. Among his routines are:

  • Strength training
  • Cardio
  • Flexibility exercises
  • The tibialis is raised with only one leg
  • Isotib ankle rotations
  • Tractions
  • Pull-ups
  • Bicep curls
  • Slide backwards
  • Tricep extensions
  • The face pulls
  • Raise leg
  • Oblique touches
  • Reverse push-ups.

Additionally, Johnson does HIIT three times a week for 10 minutes. It consists of a 5-minute warm-up followed by 5 minutes of HIIT on a stationary bike, elliptical or rowing machine at 130-140 bpm.

On weekends, Johnson goes hiking or plays basketball or tennis.

You can check out her entire routine here.

Beyond the Gym: The Science of Reversing Aging

There’s more to Johnson’s experiment than a vanity project. Researchers increasingly suggest that aging is not simply a predetermined fate, but that lifestyle choices can influence its course.

However, according to a study published in April 2023, it is biologically impossible to reverse the age of a human. Despite this, the aging process can be reversed in human cells and simple organisms, according to some scientific experiments

Exercise, in particular, has been shown to extend life expectancy. Research has linked regular physical activity to reduced risk of chronic disease, improved cognitive function, and an even longer lifespan.

In fact, a Harvard study found that physical activity can reduce the risk of premature death by up to 21% for people who follow minimum guidelines. You should engage in 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

For Johnson, in just 18 months, his epigenetic age was reversed by 5.1 years and his rate of aging was slowed by 31 years.

MRIs have shown he is aging more slowly than the average 10-year-old, evidenced by his ideal levels of muscle and fat. His biomarkers are also above his chronological age by more than 50 and 100 years, respectively. Plus, she takes fitness tests as well as an 18 year old.

“My body and mind have been destroyed in every way for 23 years. Chronic depression, obesity, terrible sleep, raising three kids, grind culture behavior of the startup founder and CEO,” Johnson wrote in the comments of a video from YouTube describing his workout routine. “My two-year breakthrough to near-perfect whole-body health indicators (as measured by biofluids, devices, imaging and fitness tests) is phenomenal. I hope it inspires others who aren’t their best selves to always be able to come back.”

It’s clear that Johnson’s workout routine is very different from that of the average person. He is in a unique position thanks to his access to cutting-edge technology and personalized coaching. While his program focuses on both cardio and strength training and the importance of tracking progress applies to everyone, his core principles are universal.

The democratization of anti-aging: is Johnson’s approach achievable?

Many people can’t afford Johnson’s $10,000 home gym and extreme training regimen. Despite this, his approach is accessible to anyone following diet, exercise and sleep.

You can apply Johnson’s principles in your life in the following ways:

  • Exercise is essential. Keeping physically active is one of the most important things you can do for your health and longevity. Most days of the week, try to exercise for 30 minutes at a moderate intensity.
  • Focus on whole foods. A healthy diet can help prevent cell damage and promote overall health.
  • Manage stress. The effects of chronic stress on the body can accelerate aging. Practicing yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature can help you manage stress.
  • Get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep is essential for repairing and rejuvenating the body. The ideal amount of sleep per night is 7-8 hours.
  • Consult your doctor regularly. Identifying and addressing health problems that could lead to aging can be done through regular checkups.

Small changes can make a huge difference to your longevity and health. There’s no better time than now to take steps toward a healthier, longer life.

The future of aging: Lessons from Bryan Johnson

As Bryan Johnson’s story shows, we have more control over our aging than we might think. According to Bryan Johnson’s story, we can take more control of our aging than we think. While his methods may seem extreme, they offer valuable insights into how lifestyle interventions can slow aging.

As research in this field advances, we can expect to see even more effective and easily accessible tools to promote healthy aging.

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