Demand for “Secure by Design” products is growing, creating opportunities for specialization in software security


Alexandria, Virginia, February 15, 2024 – ISC2 the world’s leading nonprofit organization for cybersecurity professionals – today announced the launch of Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) Self-paced training designed with a personalized, adaptive learning experience to guide participants along paths tailored to their individual needs based on prior knowledge, learning speed and confidence levels. The CSSLP certification indicates advanced skills in authentication, authorization and control throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC).

As the number of software supply chain attacks continues to increase, governments around the world are responding with increasing regulations and requirements for application developers, requiring greater skills in developing secure software, creating more professional growth opportunities for developers. IT professionals and software developers.

By following the guidelines published by the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in collaboration with 17 US and international partners, on “Safe by design” products, as well as the report on “Safe through the design approach” from the UK Government, supported by the Government Security Group and the National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC), ISC2 predicts that regulation of the development of secure software, together with market demand, will have a significant impact on the development process of software in the coming years.

According to recent Gartner report , SDLC attacks affected 61% of US businesses in April 2022-2023. Furthermore, the ISC2 Cyber ​​Security Workforce Study reported that 26% of respondents indicated a skills gap in their organization when it comes to application security, and 23% expect application security skills to be the most sought after by security professionals looking to advance their careers through new jobs and promotions.

“This is an opportunity for ISC2 members – and other professionals – to increase their skills and demonstrate their expertise in secure technology development and lifecycle management,” said Clar Rosso, CC, CEO of ISC2 . “As the market, including regulators, increasingly demands that technology be “secure by design” and concerns about the security of the AI ​​ecosystem increase, the CSSLP supports security professionals and developers in developing the required skills . Additionally, our adaptive training format focuses professionals’ time in the areas where they need it most.”

Using artificial intelligence to optimize learning

CSSLP self-paced learning uses AI-powered technology to deliver adaptive, personalized, non-linear learning tailored to individual student needs. Each student has a unique journey through content and is assessed in the learning flow. The amount and type of content a student engages with will depend on her level of understanding, interest, and motivation. The student can rely on technology to guide their learning path or they can take control and select which topics or areas to focus on and when.

For more information on CSSLP self-study training, visit

About ISC2

ISC2 is the world’s leading member organization for cybersecurity professionals, driven by our vision of a safe and secure cyber world. Our more than 600,000 members, candidates and associates around the world are a force for good, safeguarding our way of life. Our award-winning certifications, including the leading cybersecurity certification, CISSP®, allow professionals to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities at every stage of their career. ISC2 strengthens the influence, diversity and vitality of the cybersecurity profession through the support, skills and empowerment of the workforce that accelerates cybersecurity and protection in an interconnected world. Our charitable foundation, The Center for Cyber ​​Safety and Education, helps create greater access to cyber careers and educate the most vulnerable. Learn more and get involved at Connect with us on X, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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