Democrats supporting Biden in Vermont and likely other states with open primaries are voting for Nikki Haley in the open GOP primary despite having no plans to vote for her in this November’s general election.
Democrat Paul Somerset said: “I’m voting against Trump. I’m not voting for Haley” to “make Trump look weak.”
“Many Haley voters don’t say they will vote for the Republican presidential candidate, regardless of who he is,” reads NBC’s 6:20pm Super Tuesday ET update on exit poll data.
Trump beats Nikki Haley in a recent national poll of Republican voters by 60%. This is the only trick Haley has!
As The Gateway Pundit reported, Nikki Haley’s campaign and Joe Biden voters have been trying this strategy since the first primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire earlier this year.
It’s no surprise that New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, a surrogate for Haley’s failed campaign, appeared on Fox in December and implored all voters, including Democrats, to come out and vote for Nikki Haley in the GOP primary. Haley, sitting right next to him during the news, smiled and nodded in agreement that Democrats would have to show up for her to sabotage Trump.
Vermont is a small state with only 17 Republican delegates in play tonight, but in other states with open primaries, such as Virginia, which has 48 delegates, this strategy could bring its numbers closer to Trump’s. However, taking the lead tonight is highly unlikely, no matter how much Nikki Haley and the Democrats cheat in the open primary.
Trump is destroying Nikki Haley ahead of Super Tuesday with 273 delegates to his paltry 43 delegates. Candidates need 1,215 delegates to win the GOP nomination for President.
According to CBS, eleven of the 15 states voting tonight for a Republican candidate will have open primaries in which independents and Democrats can participate.
They vote for Nikki Haley because she will lose the general election, even to Dementia Joe!
In fact, a new Sienna-NY Times poll found that ALMOST HALF of Nikki’s support comes from Biden voters!
Trump has won nine of ten primaries to date, with only one setback in the Washington D.C. primary last weekend, where neoconservative former UN ambassador and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley became the darling marsh officer and won a participation trophy.
Despite losing almost all the primaries to Trump so far, Haley has promised to stay in the race and today seems to be betting on victory. Haley also backed away from her promise to support her former boss, Donald Trump, and suggested he could remain in the primary race until July.
You might think that Haley is secretly supporting Joe Biden and is only entering this race to drain the GOP’s resources before the general election.
NBC reports
MONTPELIER, Vt. -Paul Somerset, a Democrat, voted for the first time in the state’s Republican primary today, casting his vote for Nikki Haley—though he has no plans to support her even if he wins the Republican nomination.
“I’m voting against Trump. I’m not voting for Haley,” she said, explaining that he wants to see Haley “beat or at least be strong enough to make Trump look weak.”
But when it comes to November’s general election, Somerset is fully behind Biden, who he says he’s “surprised” isn’t given more credit.
“I just can’t vote for the Republican Party, whether she’s running it or he’s running it,” he said of the two major GOP candidates.
Results in Vermont and Virginia are expected when the polls close at 7:00 pm ET, followed by North Carolina at 7:30 pm ET.
Next, polls for Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Tennessee close at 8 p.m., followed by Arkansas at 8:30 p.m.
Polls in Colorado, Minnesota and Texas close at 9pm ET, in California and Utah at 11pm ET, and finally in Alaska at midnight tonight.
The Trump campaign will host a watch party at 7.30pm as results are expected to start coming in shortly. Watch live:
WATCH LIVE: Trump campaign to host Super Tuesday Election Night Watch Party in Palm Beach, Florida – starting at 7:30 p.m. ET
The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on primary results in these 15 states.