
Talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw took to the stage this week to offer a stark warning about the “out of control” southern border, going so far as to say that “we are paying to sell children into sex slavery.”
McGraw’s chilling warning
On Tuesday, while appearing on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Dr. Phil shared video footage of a conversation he had with Brandon Judd, who is the president of the National Border Patrol Council. Judd revealed to McGraw that due to the massive influx of illegal aliens, US border authorities no longer had rapid DNA test kits. McGraw responded by speculating that this could lead directly to linking minors to traffickers.
“Did they give money? These people being released into the country?” McGraw asked Judd, who responded by saying, “So it’s our taxpayers who ultimately facilitate the travel, but yes, the travel is facilitated and they get all the necessities that they need.”
“Holy shit!” host Joe Rogan said in response to the clip.
“That’s how out of control we are over there!” McGraw complained, adding that U.S. taxpayers are “paying money to take these children and sell them into sex slavery.”
“They come in with these addresses written on their body, written on their arm, and we call there and say, ‘Do you know such and such?’ “Yes, we are waiting for them.” ‘Okay, they’ll be on a plane or a bus,’” McGraw continued.
Related: Dr. Phil Torches Kamala Harris Over Border Crisis — ‘Different Than Anything We’ve Seen Before’
McGraw attacks Biden
Without stopping there, McGraw continued to lash out at President Joe Biden and his administration for failing to adequately enforce immigration laws.
“This is a strange thing they are doing,” he said. “They’re just letting people in, and the Red Cross and different groups are giving people maps, showing them how to do it and encouraging them.”
The Red Cross responded to McGraw’s comments by telling the New York Post that the agency “is committed to supporting the humanitarian needs of all individuals in accordance with our seven fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality. As a humanitarian organization, these principles guide our actions every day and drive us to alleviate suffering in the United States and around the world.”
McGraw concluded by praising Texas, saying state law enforcement is a greater deterrent against illegal immigration than Customs and Border Protection.
“Texas border guards wear brown uniforms and federal guards wear green uniforms. If you get arrested in a brown uniform, you get arrested, tried and sent back,” he said. “If you get arrested in a green uniform, you get arrested, tried and given a court date in seven years. So they run to the green uniforms and move away from the brown uniforms.
Related: Dr. Phil issues chilling warning about Chinese migrants crossing US border – suggests they are spies
McGraw visits the border
McGraw visited the border earlier this month, posting a video to social media from there criticizing both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris over the border crisis.
“Texas law enforcement seized more than 454 million lethal doses of fentanyl during this mission. Governor Abbott says the federal government has broken the compact between the U.S. federal government and the states,” McGraw said. “Governor Abbott says President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated.”
“The result is a humanitarian crisis, unlike anything we have seen before, that shatters illegal immigration records while wasting taxpayer dollars to demolish the Texas border security infrastructure,” he continued. “Governor Abbott says President Biden has lured tens of thousands of illegal immigrants away from 28 legal entry points along the Texas border and into the dangerous, deadly waters of the Rio Grande.”
That’s when McGraw moved on to attack Harris specifically.
“According to the Department of Homeland Security, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since President Biden took office [the] The southern border of Texas in just three years,” he said. “That’s more than the population of 33 different states in this country. And what about our Vice President Kamala Harris? Did you know he is our country’s immigration czar? Can you guess how many times you’ve been to the border? Once.”
Check out Dr. Phil’s full comments on this in the video below.
Most celebrities are completely ignoring the border crisis because they are afraid to bash Biden, fearing that doing so will get them blacklisted from the liberal entertainment business. We applaud McGraw for continuing to use his platform to expose to the world what is happening at the southern border!
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