
It’s no secret that America’s southern border is out of control. A chaos that the Biden administration has shown little interest in resolving. Illegal immigrants continue to flow in.
According to billionaire entrepreneur and legal immigrant Elon Musk, this is part of the president’s plan to import “as many votes as possible.”
Now, to be clear, non-citizens cannot vote in American elections. But don’t tell this to illegal immigrants.
They believe they can do it. Clock:
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Musk: Biden wants illegal immigration to get as many votes as possible
While these illegal immigrants may think they can vote for Biden even if they legally can’t, Musk sees the situation at the border as a strategy for Biden.
The New York Post reports: “Elon Musk wildly claimed that the Biden administration is looking the other way as thousands of migrants cross the border illegally because it wants to bulk up Democratic voter rolls before Election Day.”
“Tesla’s controversial founder took to his social media site ” bitter between him and Donald Trump in November.
The story continued:
“Secretary of Homeland Security [Alejandro] Mayorkas has published written guidance clarifying that: illegal presence alone is not grounds for deportation,” the tech mogul wrote.
“Criminal charges, convictions or gang membership alone are not sufficient for deportation,” he said. “You basically have to be a convicted ax murderer to be deported!
“That’s because every deportation is a lost vote,” Musk added. “They are importing as many votes as possible before the election.”
You have to wonder where illegal immigrants got the idea of being able to cross the border and vote.
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To be clear: Illegal immigrants cannot vote
While these non-citizens clearly cannot vote, it is interesting that many think they can once they enter the country, and that someone like Musk thinks they will be able to do so, to the advantage of Joe Biden.
Regardless, America’s southern border must be protected. The fact that the president, the person most capable of making this happen, doesn’t seem to have much interest, leads to all kinds of speculation.

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