Energy watchdog sues Biden administration for hiding John Kerry’s staff, coordination with ecogroups | The Gateway Expert

A watchdog group called Power the Future is suing the Biden administration for refusing to share the names and titles of people who are on John Kerry’s staff and for hiding their coordination with green groups.

The group rightly suggests that Kerry’s staff are paid for by taxpayers and that people have a right to information. They also suggest that Kerry’s work has a direct effect on energy policy and prices.

Kerry has announced that he will step down as Biden’s “climate envoy”, but that is beside the point. He still has an office and a staff. These things should not exist in secret.

FOX News reports:

Biden admin sued for hiding John Kerry’s staff, in coordination with green groups

Energy watchdog group Power the Future (PTF) filed a freedom of information lawsuit against the Biden administration on Tuesday, alleging it failed to disclose taxpayer-funded staffing of Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry.

The PTF filed the complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, listing the State Department as a defendant. According to the indictment, the agency – which is home to the multimillion-dollar SPEC office – has repeatedly refused to disclose the names and qualifications of Kerry’s staff, while similarly resisting congressional oversight related to the matter.

“For nearly three years, John Kerry has been jet-setting on the international climate conference circuit while sending taxpayers the bill,” PTF Executive Director Daniel Turner told Fox News Digital in a statement. “Today we begin the process of teaching John Kerry and Joe Biden that they work for taxpayers. No one should waste resources on lawsuits, but this is our only option since John Kerry thinks he can keep his office off the books.”

“The American people are the recipients of countless environmental mandates and rules, gas stove bans, and skyrocketing utility bills, without any opportunity for consensus or input, and many of these decisions were made in John Kerry’s office,” he continued . “That’s why we hope this litigation finally brings to light the information we deserve to know: the names of the staff, the office’s goals and budgets, the outside partnerships peddling influence on Joe Biden’s green agenda.”

What happened to government transparency?

Does anyone believe the media would let the Trump administration get away with this kind of secrecy?

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