EXPENDITURE: Senate approves $95 billion package with aid to Ukraine and NO border funding while America sleeps – Here are the 22 Republicans who voted to put America last | The Gateway Expert

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The Senate on Tuesday approved a massive $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan without funding at the borders while almost all Americans were fast asleep. The final vote came after conservatives staged an all-night filibuster led by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), which ended shortly after 5 a.m.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the Senate deemed the bill so urgent that it invoked the Super Bowl Sunday shutdown by a vote of 67-27. 18 GOPers voted to sell out America to foreign interests.

TGP previously noted that the package includes a whopping $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. The rest of the money goes towards “humanitarian” assistance for Gaza and the West Bank, as well as deterring Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific, including the defense of Taiwan.

Last night, that number grew to 22 Republican senators who voted to pass the bill. Two Democrats, Jeff Merkley and Peter Welch (D-VT), voted no. Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT) also voted to reject the bill.

All three had expressed anger over the money provided to Israel in the package, which would have gone to help the Jewish state defend itself from Hamas terrorists.

The final vote was 70-29. Here are the 22 GOPers who voted with Democrats to put America last:

1. Mitch McConnell (KY)

2. John Thune (SD)

3. John Boozman (AR)

4. Shelley Moore Capito (WV)

5. Bill Cassidy (LA)

6. Susan Collins (ME)

7. John Cornyn (TX)

8.Kevin Cramer (ND)

9. Mike Crapo (ID)

10. Joni Ernst (IA)

11. Chuck Grassley (IA)

12. John Hoeven (ND)

13. John Kennedy (LA)

14. Jerry Moran (KS)

15. Lisa Murkowski (AK)

16.Jim Risch (ID)

17. Mitt Romney (UT)

18. Mike Rounds (SD)

19. Dan Sullivan (AK)

20. Thom Tillis (NC)

21. Roger Wicker (MS)

22. Todd Young (IN)

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) praised the bill as a demonstration of American leadership and sent a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin:

American leadership will not falter, will not falter, will not fail. Today we make Vladimir Putin regret the day he questioned America’s resolve.

Today we send a clear bipartisan message of resolve to our allies in NATO.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also praised the bill’s passage in a late-night X post:

The legislation now moves to the House, which is probably doomed to fail if you believe the House Republican leadership. But there’s talk of Democrats pushing a discharge petition that will allow America’s latest bill to make it to the floor without approval from Republican leadership.

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