Having trouble keeping your users engaged? Here’s the secret to building a compelling platform that will keep people coming back for more.

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Companies across various industries are exploring innovative ways to improve user engagement and promote positive behaviors. However, keeping users hooked in an age of endless distractions can seem like an impossible task. One powerful tool that is gaining momentum is gamification: the application of game elements and mechanics in non-game contexts. But this concept goes far beyond simple entertainment: it’s a concept we like to call “motivational engineering.”

In a broader sense, it’s about harnessing man’s inherent desire to progress, achieve and, yes, even have fun. Motivational engineering aims to shape and guide individuals in a desired direction, often aligning them with the goals of an organization, platform, or system. It’s proving to be a game-changer for businesses looking to increase loyalty, increase screen time and achieve operational efficiency.

Related: Gamification the Workplace: How Gamification Benefits the Workforce

The power of gamification

Imagine users eagerly embarking on daily “missions” disguised as core tasks: image communities filled with friendly competition for virtual badges and recognition. Think loyalty programs transformed into epic journeys with tiered rewards and unlockable features. In an age where TikTok is a primary source of entertainment and YouTube and rabbit holes are an everyday habit, gamification isn’t just a boon, it’s a lifeline. It turns passive scrolling on popular apps like Instagram into active engagement, turning platforms into an attention-grabbing playground where users chase points, win challenges and level up, leaving competing apps in the dust. This is the transformative power of gamification and motivational engineering.

These concepts tap into fundamental human motivations, such as competition and success, fostering social connections. My company’s internal data showed that users who engaged with the company’s motivational engineering features were nearly 50% more likely to re-engage. By integrating game-like elements such as points, badges and leaderboards, companies can tap into users’ intrinsic motivation, turning routine tasks into engaging challenges.

Personalization is key in motivational engineering

By tailoring challenges, rewards and interactions based on user preferences, companies create a targeted and personalized engagement strategy. This personal touch improves the overall user experience, fostering a stronger emotional connection between users and the platform.

From fitness apps that turn exercise into epic quests to e-commerce platforms that reward loyalty with virtual scavenger hunts, gamification is proving its mettle across the board.

Operational efficiencies

By gamifying onboarding processes, brands can introduce interactive learning opportunities. Users can take on engaging challenges to familiarize themselves with the product’s features and services. This not only speeds up the onboarding process, but also ensures that users have a complete understanding of what the platforms have to offer.

Users can be provided real-time feedback and instant rewards for taking certain actions. When users perform specific actions, such as completing their profiles, providing feedback, or exploring new features, the system responds with immediate recognition. This can take the form of virtual badges, pop-up messages of gratitude, or personalized notifications that recognize the user’s contribution.

Users are encouraged to continue performing these desirable behaviors by receiving immediate recognition and rewards. This creates a positive feedback loop, which improves the overall user experience and contributes to a more satisfying interaction with the system.

Just look at how educational language apps help users learn languages ​​with short lessons tied to accumulating points and climbing the digital leaderboards. The app incentivizes users to continuously learn and be “promoted” to a higher level. This process helps gather information about consumer preferences, behaviors and needs, but can also be used to improve operational processes, enhance products or services, and optimize resource allocation in future product updates.

Related: Do you want your team to excel? Play games with them (yes, games) to advance their performance to the next level.

Improve user loyalty

User retention is a perennial challenge for digital platforms. Gamification provides a solution by creating an environment where users feel a sense of accomplishment, progress, and community. By continually introducing new challenges and rewards, companies can keep users hooked and prevent churn.

Gamification introduces a sense of accomplishment into user interactions with a platform and is based on the principle of keeping content dynamic and evolving. The regular introduction of new challenges, missions and rewards ensures that users always have something new to explore. The anticipation of what comes next, combined with the excitement of discovering new content, encourages users to maintain an active presence on the platform to stay ahead of the curve.

Imagine if Netflix introduced a gamified achievement system that viewers could unlock in real time. As users reach milestones — in the form of watching a certain number of advertisements, reaching usage milestones, or participating in community challenges — they receive access to premium content, like watching the premiere of the latest season of Stranger Things a week early or the Rated R cut of director Zack Snyder’s upcoming sci-fi epic, Rebel Moon.

This feeling of accomplishment not only satisfies intrinsic motivations, but is also a powerful incentive for users to continue interacting with the platform to reach new heights.

By tailoring challenges and rewards based on a user’s preferences, behavior and past interactions, companies can create a more personalized experience. This personal touch increases the relevance of gamified elements to each user, deepening their connection with the platform and making it more likely they will continue to engage in the long term. While the goal is to increase screen time, it is essential to find a balance that is in line with users’ well-being. Responsible gamification ensures that increased engagement is meaningful and contributes positively to users’ lives rather than encouraging excessive screen time for its own sake.

Gamification has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their audiences. As technology continues to evolve, companies that embrace motivational engineering through gamification will likely find themselves at the forefront of creating compelling and enriching user experiences.

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