House Republicans crash and burn as Mayorka impeachment vote fails

The House Republican attempt to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas failed to pass in a humiliating moment for the GOP majority.

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The final vote was 214-216 with 4 Republicans joining all 212 Democrats in voting no.

Three of the Republicans were Representatives McClintock, Gallagher and Scalise.

Before the vote, House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries said:

Secretary Mayorkas is a good man, a patriotic man, and a man who works hard and does his best under very difficult circumstances. He is not a clean offender. The extreme MAGA Republicans have produced no evidence that Secretary Mayorkas is involved in a high crime or misdemeanor, no evidence that Secretary Mayorkas is involved in an unimpeachable crime. And no evidence that Secretary Mayorkas broke the law or violated the Constitution. Not a shred of evidence, not a spark of evidence, nothing, but extreme MAGA Republican chaos and confusion.

And the effort to avoid doing the hard work needed to find common ground, to actually address the challenges at the border. What do these articles of impeachment have to do with the question of how to address our broken immigration system? Nothing. What do these articles of impeachment have to do with building a healthy economy for everyday Americans? Nothing. What do these articles of impeachment have to do with addressing the inflationary challenges and affordability issues that the American people are experiencing day after day as we work to continue to emerge from a once-in-a-century pandemic that has shut down the ‘economy? Absolutely nothing.

House Republicans thought they could use Mayorkas’ impeachment as a campaign tactic to help Trump, but there was a problem. The DHS Secretary did not commit an unimpeachable crime.

The Republican House majority is so inept and divided that it can’t even unify on the impeachment of a member of the Biden administration.

Republicans want to use the House to send messages and show votes, but they crashed and burned when they tried to impeach Mayorkas.

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