How mindful eating can enhance dynamic thinking

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Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to reduce the number of decisions they make, in part to save brain space for the “big things.” Some thought leaders pare down their wardrobe to a standard look (a la Steve Jobs), for example, while others optimize (and not necessarily healthily) by eating the same thing every day.

A new take on this efficiency principle came in the form of a Bay Area company that marketed a product called Soylent in 2013. Tired of wasting money and energy on food, one of its founders, Rob Rhinehart, invented a “ super mud” intended to provide the body’s essential nutrients: a mixture of maltodextrin, amino acids, fiber, olive oil and other ingredients. According to a journalist from Wiredthat original formula looked like pancake mix and tasted like chalk.

After reading that article, I understood why the concept could be considered potentially dystopian (its name inspired, after all, a 1973 film in which humans are forced to consume reprocessed human corpses), but Soylent is still going strong. The company, now based in Los Angeles, continues to grow and innovate (now offering tastier options like chocolate and strawberry). Its success supports the idea that busy professionals will find comfort when it comes to their appetites.

I’m a big believer in simplifying as many tasks as possible. And while I’m no stranger to the occasional lunch replacement smoothie, I’m not convinced that meals are completely outsourced. Fortunately, for food-loving entrepreneurs, there are creative benefits to thinking more and diversifying what and how we eat.

Related: 7 tips for start-up food entrepreneurs

Ingredients for creativity

As a counterpoint to Rhinehart-style food convenience, a 2021 literature review written by a team of researchers and academics offered evidence to suggest that people who view food simply as fuel miss out on the creative benefits of more mindful eating. Involving multiple senses during a meal (taste, smell, tactile qualities, etc.), they wrote, can stimulate creative thinking in various ways and they offered the experience of wine as an example: those who taste it think about taste, smell , to color and mouthfeel, and could invent descriptive metaphors for each. The creative wheels begin to turn. It follows that engaging with food by paying attention to analogous qualities (and any metaphorical associations) can similarly stimulate inventiveness.

The authors also advocated eating foods that cause real pleasure. Creativity improves, they suggest, when people feel happy, including being relaxed or moderately excited. So, to borrow a phrase from author Marie Kondo, she considers foods to spark joy when you eat them. Maybe it’s your partner’s famous lasagna (which gets even better the next day as leftovers), a burrito from your favorite food truck, or a big, colorful salad.

Eating something delicious and taking time to appreciate it can prime your brain for exploration. Better yet, some foods can actually increase brain power.

Related: Your bad eating habits hurt business

Nutrition that refines the mind

The first rule of thumb for choosing meals that give rise to acute thoughts is: think about it first: make choices Before you’re ravenous. Several studies clearly demonstrate that humans will be much better at resisting salt, calories and fat in the future than in the present.

Glucose, a type of sugar, is the main source of energy for cells in the body and it is worth keeping in mind that brain cells use the majority of the energy. But when it comes to glucose, not all foods are created equal: Some release it quickly, leading to a sudden spike in energy (and an equally quick crash). Members of this “simple carbohydrate” family include pizza, pasta, bread, and sugary drinks. Others, called “low-carb foods,” gradually release glucose, including starchy vegetables (sweet potatoes, pumpkins, beets), whole grains, beans and legumes.

Other foods are linked to memory and cognition. Research published in a 2014 edition of Journal of Psychiatric Research revealed that the amino acid tyrosine (the precursor to the “feel good” hormone, dopamine) improves cognitive performance, particularly in short-term stressful or cognitively demanding situations. So, load up on seaweed, bananas, and almonds. Other research has found that the omega-3 plant fat, alpha-linolenic acid, which is abundant in walnuts and flaxseeds, similarly improves memory and cognition, as do the antioxidants in berries. Foods rich in choline and folate, such as eggs, are linked to improved cognitive performance and memory. A 2014 study published in British journal for health psychiatry found that young adults who ate more fruits and vegetables reported greater well-being, stronger feelings of curiosity, and greater creativity.

The bad news is that, in the real world, we don’t always have time to prepare balanced meals, but it’s actually a no-brainer to supplement what you’re eating with nutrient-dense options. If I eat pizza for lunch, for example, I will add a handful of almonds as a snack. If there is a bagel for breakfast, seaweed flakes will be added to the olive oil later in the morning. The goal is balance. I also automate snack selection by scheduling delivery orders in advance. That way, when my stomach is growling, I reach for brain-boosting dried fruit rather than a bag of M&Ms.

Related: Fueling your body is the key to fueling your business

As the CEO of Jotform and author of a book on automation, I understand the tendency to optimize as many tasks as possible. If I want to make time for important creative work (aka “the most important things”) and set aside more hours to spend with my family, something must hit the stump. But I also believe in the tangible and intangible benefits of being mindful of what I eat: I’d rather invest time in identifying and automating busy work than skipping a lunch with colleagues or friends. If you are what you eat, after all, wouldn’t it simply be wise to make that food high-quality, enjoyable, and creative?

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