How to brush your dog’s teeth

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Brushing your dog’s teeth can be an easy way to prevent dental disease and bad breath. Most pet owners, however, are not aware of its importance and therefore do not implement teeth cleaning as part of regular dog care.

The Veterinary Oral Health Council states that dental cleaning is the most important thing in a pet’s oral hygiene and that your dog’s teeth should be brushed daily if possible. However, it is argued that even some weekly brushing is better than no brushing at all.

Let’s learn how to brush your dog’s teeth safely and consistently, including how to ease your dog into making this a recurring habit.

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Tips for brushing your dog’s teeth

Start as early as possible

Toothbrushing can start as soon as they have all their adult teeth, usually at 6 months. This will allow your puppy to get used to the process, including feeling comfortable when you touch their mouth, the taste of pet toothpaste, as well as associating the process with an overall positive experience.

The first few times, you can simply use your finger as a toothbrush so that your puppy can get used to the process of brushing his teeth. As your dog gets more and more accustomed to regular tooth brushing, you can switch to a pet toothbrush with soft bristles.

Start with the front teeth and work your way up to the back teeth

At first, your dog may not feel completely comfortable with you brushing all of his teeth. Start with your dog’s canines, brushing them in a circular motion before finally moving on to the molars. Be patient and listen to your dog’s reaction, paying attention to the gum line.

Once your dog feels more comfortable, insert a dog toothbrush to get into his back teeth, gently opening his mouth to reach the harder-to-reach teeth. If your dog gets nervous or resists, calm him down without forcing him. Remember: this is an ongoing process to get your dog used to opening his mouth regularly and calmly.

Make it a habit

Whether daily, weekly, or biweekly, brushing your dog’s teeth regularly is better than never brushing them at all. Creating a regular schedule for examining and cleaning your dog’s teeth will not only help you remember to do so, but will also help get your dog used to the practice, making it something that will become increasingly easier to do. Dog toothpaste tastes good to dogs, so very soon they will look forward to the activity, as they will associate it with a treat.

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Frequently asked questions about how to brush your dog’s teeth

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

You can brush your dog’s teeth as often as you brush your own. However, daily brushing may prove difficult for most pet owners. Veterinarians usually recommend brushing at least three times a week to prevent gingivitis, gum disease and tartar buildup on your pet’s teeth.

Do chew toys help clean your dog’s teeth?

Chew toys can help clean your dog’s plaque buildup and help prevent tooth decay. Dental chews and treats can also be powerful tools that your dog will enjoy and help with his oral health.

Can I use human toothpaste or a human toothbrush to brush my dog’s teeth?

Never use human toothpaste on dogs as it may contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that can be fatal to dogs. You can, however, use a baby toothbrush with soft bristles instead of a store-bought dog toothbrush.

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