How to get rid of fleas on dogs

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Fleas are not only a nuisance, but also pose a threat to both dogs and dog owners if not addressed promptly and effectively. There are several measures you can implement to both treat your dog once infested and prevent future flea infestations, some of which we will cover below. Read on to find out what you can do to get rid of fleas in dogs at all stages of their lives.

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Signs that your dog may have fleas

If their behavior doesn’t tip you off that they have fleas, your dog’s skin certainly will. In addition to causing itching in dogs and other pets, fleas will leave a trail on your dog’s fur. Signs you should look out for include:

  • Hair loss (bald spots)
  • Redness
  • Hotspots
  • Scabs
  • Dark stains (also known as dirt or flea droppings)
  • Flea bites

Some of the symptoms listed may indicate flea allergy dermatitis, caused by insect saliva and affecting dogs and other animals with more sensitive skin. In cases where fleas have not been treated, parasites such as tapeworms may be present in the dog’s feces. That’s why once you know that your dog actually has fleas, you need to take immediate action.

Supplies and tools you may need

Whether you decide to go the natural or traditional route, some of the materials and tools you’ll need include the following:

  • Topical or oral treatment against dog fleas
  • Flea comb
  • Flea shampoo or dish soap
  • Flea collar
  • Flea spray
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Hot water
  • Home flea treatment based on insecticides or natural

How to treat fleas in dogs

The flea life cycle, which includes the egg, larvae, pupae and adult flea stages, lasts approximately 18 days. Getting rid of fleas at the egg and pupa stages may prove to be the most difficult because of the layer of protection provided by both the eggs and cocoons wrapped around the insect and because they can be found in pet bedding and wherever a dog lies. That’s why flea prevention should be incorporated into every dog’s routine.

However, in the event that your dog becomes infested with fleas, you can start by washing him with a medicated flea shampoo or dish soap to eliminate any flea larvae, eggs or adults that may not be attached to your dog’s fur or skin. dog. . Next, you should comb your dog’s fur with a flea comb and safely eliminate any fleas that come out. You can choose to use an over-the-counter drug treatment or a natural remedy to kill or repel fleas that linger or have not yet hatched.

The next part of your pest control measures should be to treat the entire house and get rid of any remaining insects, including all places where the dog lies and where fleas may hide.

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How to eliminate fleas from dogs naturally

Some pet owners may prefer to learn how to get rid of fleas at home through natural flea remedies rather than treating them with products that contain harsh active ingredients. A home remedy that may help control fleas is to spray your dog with apple cider vinegar diluted with water. This method won’t kill fleas, but it will make your dog’s fur taste and smell unpleasant.

Drug flea treatments for dogs, however, are usually topical or oral (tablets or chewables) and can provide protection for months at a time. These sometimes target certain stages of the flea life cycle, can also target other parasites such as heartworms, and have been shown to actually kill fleas.

What to do with fleas

While you may be tempted to swat them, this is not the best approach to getting rid of fleas. Since fleas are fast and can jump long distances, it is best not to give them this opportunity. Throwing them in hot soapy water kills fleas by suffocating them and prevents them from getting lost in your home.

How to get rid of fleas on dogs when nothing works

When all other methods of getting rid of fleas fail, it may be time to seek veterinary help. This is especially true considering the dangerous disease-carrying nature of parasites like fleas and ticks. And since female fleas can lay thousands of eggs at an alarming rate, it would be wise to seek help from your vet if the situation has already gotten out of hand.

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Summary of Money’s How to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

  • Fleas and ticks can be annoying and harmful to the health of pets and their owners.
  • Pet owners should watch for signs of fleas and act quickly once a flea infestation is identified.
  • Oral and topical treatments are available over the counter and are more likely to kill fleas than natural remedies.
  • Dog owners should take preventative measures against fleas and ticks year-round to protect their dogs from infestations.
  • It is crucial to seek help from a veterinarian when treatments and home remedies don’t work.

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