How to get rid of fleas on kittens

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A flea could be a scary thing to find on your newborn kitten. You want to protect your new puppy, but you may be unsure whether it can be treated at such a young age or how far the flea infestation has already spread. These concerns can lead new cat owners to make rash decisions that could put the newest addition to your family in danger.

Rest assured, even if your kitten is too young to take prescribed flea medications or ointments, there are several solutions for dealing with fleas in very young kittens. Read on for our tips on how to kill cat fleas and tips on flea prevention and control.

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4 steps to eliminate fleas from kittens

1. Check if your kitten is old enough to resist flea treatments

Obviously, a newborn kitten is fragile and should be handled with more care than a fully grown cat. Therefore, you should not apply flea shampoo, flea spray or flea collars if your kitten is less than 12 weeks old. Most over-the-counter flea products and medications will tell you exactly the age, size and weight your kitten needs to be to resist.

2. Remove fleas with a comb and give your kitten a flea bath

Use a flea comb to remove any visible adult fleas and flea eggs. Then wash your kitten with flea shampoo in warm water. Make sure the flea shampoo is suitable for sensitive skin, otherwise it could cause skin irritation and shedding on your kitten’s fur. As stated previously, it is also important to check the packaging to make sure your kitten is old enough and old enough to use the product as directed.

3. Wash and vacuum any areas that may be infested with fleas

Your flea problem may return if you don’t properly clean areas frequented by your kitten. Wash bedding with hot water and vacuum anywhere you find dirt or flea larvae, as they could bring flea infestations back into your home even if your kitten is flea-free. Stopping the flea cycle is an important part of the process, as fleas can live up to two weeks without a host.

4. Give your kitten a flea collar or topical ointment when he is ready

When your kitten is old and old enough, use ointment and a flea collar to help him fight off any remaining fleas. Check your kitten’s head and fur periodically to make sure there are no flea bites or specks. Since you’re probably unclear about where the fleas are coming from, it’s important to institute regular flea checks into your cat’s grooming routine to prevent them from returning in the future.

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Frequently asked questions about how to get rid of fleas on kittens

Should I use essential oils to kill fleas?

You should not use essential oils to remove fleas or prevent new fleas. Even adult cats may have difficulty processing some compounds found in essential oils which could prove toxic to your feline friend.

How long is the life cycle of fleas?

The entire life cycle of a natural flea can last a month or two, so be sure to be consistent with your kitten’s grooming and medication until any signs of flea infestation are completely gone.

How did my indoor cat get fleas?

Even if your cat never goes outdoors, fleas may have entered your home through your clothing, other pets, or even inanimate objects like bags.

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