How to put a harness on your dog

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Putting a harness on your dog is a good way to make him feel more comfortable and secure while going for a walk. Harnesses are designed to sit comfortably on your dog’s body even while he is running or being pulled. Let’s take a look at this step-by-step guide on how to properly fit a harness on your dog so that you both can enjoy the outdoors comfortably and safely.

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Things to know before buying a harness

There are different types of dog harnesses

Dog harnesses usually come in a couple of main varieties. Step-in dog harnesses allow you to insert your dog’s legs through the harness straps to secure it to the dog’s back. Overhead harnesses have you put on your dog’s harness as if it were a dog collar and then attach the rest to your dog’s leash clip. These variations also differ based on the location of the adjustment clip and are known as front clip harnesses and rear clip harnesses.

You should measure your dog’s chest and neck before purchasing one

No matter which one you choose as the best harness for your furry friend, it’s important to measure your dog before purchasing one for the first time. A well-fitting harness will make your dog comfortable, give you better control of your dog’s behavior, and prevent chafing. Measure your dog’s neck width and girth to ensure the harness fits your dog’s specifications.

How to wear a dog harness

Find the D-ring and make sure it is on the dog’s shoulders

Harnesses can be confusing and sometimes it’s hard to know which side is up. Locate the D-ring (which will be attached to the leash) and make sure it is facing the dog’s back, near the shoulders. This will ensure you have the harness facing the correct side when adjusting it on your dog.

Slowly adjust the harness around your dog’s body

If your harness is a step harness, place your dog’s front legs inside the straps as you fasten the back of the harness. If you have a vest or harness with a padded chest strap, pass your dog’s head through the harness while you adjust the ends of the harness for a good fit. Be patient and give positive reinforcement to make sure your dog is comfortable with his harness before moving forward.

Make sure your harness is securely fastened

A loose harness could come undone if your dog pulls or lunges in the heat of the moment. Make sure everything is in place and neatly arranged before walking your dog. Small dogs may need more help making sure every strap and buckle is in the right place.

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Frequently asked questions about how to put a harness on your dog

Does a harness go under or over?

It depends on what type of harness it is. Both step-in harnesses and overhead harnesses have a part that goes under the dog to secure it to the chest.

How should a dog harness fit?

A dog harness should sit comfortably on your dog’s body without sagging or appearing to make him uncomfortable.

Why should I use a harness instead of a collar?

Harnesses provide better control over your dog, especially for dogs prone to pulling or those with breathing problems. They also reduce the risk of neck injuries, which can occur with collars, particularly in dogs who pull on the leash.

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