Increase revenue with your organic traffic

And finally, what happens when sales increase, but revenue simply doesn’t sustain? For SaaS companies, this could mean that churn is high. And in e-commerce, maybe you’re missing out on those repeat purchases. It is a very common misconception that marketing stops once a deal is made. But email marketing is an excellent tactic to use in post-sales too.

Think automated onboarding journeys for SaaS companies, using triggers based on whether or not a customer has used a tool in their account, and surfacing training materials where they may be unsure. Likewise, you can also use these triggers to listen for non-engagement. If a user doesn’t log in for 30 days, this is a great opportunity to remind them of the value your tool can bring.

And from an e-commerce perspective, if you’re selling a product that’s about to sell out, like laundry detergent, could you email your customers with a discount code right before they have to repurchase it? And finally, the referrals. Use automation to continuously monitor satisfaction with your product and reward your most loyal customers in exchange for a friend’s referral.

I hope this in-a-box toolkit of proven games has given you some inspiration on how to get more revenue from your existing organic traffic. I’d love to see how you build on this. Contact me on LinkedIn.

Transcription via Speechpad

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