Jay Leno ‘not a fan’ of Trump, but scolds Democrats for trying to keep him off the ballot


Jay Leno
Source: Piers Morgan Uncensored YouTube

Former late-night host Jay Leno broke his own rule of not speaking publicly about his political views last week when he revealed he was “not a fan” of former President Donald Trump. However, he also spoke out against Democrats for trying to keep Trump off the ballot.

Leno is ‘not a fan’ of Trump

While appearing on “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” host Piers Morgan asked Leno what he thinks of Trump.

“I’m not a fan,” Leno responded, continuing to rip Democratic attempts to keep Trump off the ballot, saying, “I’m against it.”

Morgan chimed in to say these efforts are “undemocratic,” and Leno agreed.

“If people want that person as president, that’s fine,” Leno continued. “I mean, I’m not a fan and it has nothing to do with politics. I just don’t think morally: I think we could do a little better. You know all these charges, whatever they are.”

Related: Trump agrees with Jay Leno, denounces ‘one-sided hatred’ of late-night shows

Leno had previously remained politically neutral

In this same interview, Leno spoke about his previous policy of remaining politically neutral in public.

“I just stopped being political in my act altogether. You know, when I did ‘The Tonight Show,’ the idea was to make fun of both sides equally,” he said. “They’d both be mad. And I’d say, ‘Oh, okay.’ You know, they both think that you are supporting the other guy.

“Now, you have to take a stand, and people get mad if you don’t,” he added, going on to say that now, people “want to know the punchline first – is this for or against – you know? So I just stopped doing it.

“I just want people to come, laugh and have fun. That’s the idea of ​​doing comedy,” she said, noting that infusing one’s own political opinion is “useless.”

Related: Barbra Streisand says Trump is ‘mentally unfit’ for office during Jay Leno’s fundraiser for Biden

Leno talks about the future

At another point in the interview, Morgan asked Leno, “Do you worry about what might happen in this country in terms of division, if Trump were to be reelected?”

“Good, you will get the government you deserve,” Leno replied. “I mean, that’s pretty much the way the world works, or at least the way America works, if that’s what people choose. Well, that’s what’s going to happen, right? So I don’t know, I would prefer it. I mean, it seems like things are pretty calm now and the economy is in good shape. I kind of like the things Biden is doing. I think he’s done a really good job with the economy.”

“But now there are people who, if someone says the economy is terrible, ‘right?’ Okay,” she continued. “You know. I mean, gas prices have nothing to do with the president. You know, all that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. I do not know. I try not to. I am not an expert in this area.”

“That’s the one thing I love about America,” Leno concluded. “Now we are the only place in the world. If you go to Europe. We wanted to talk about economics. So I went to Pomona College of Business. We go to a truck stop in Lima, Ohio. You know, here in America, you go to the truck stop. You talk to the guy and see what he has. Oh, I’d rather have an expert, you know.

Watch the full interview in the video below.

While we are pleased that Leno is not giving full rein to the Democrats, we find it a shame that he chose to break his rule of refraining from talking about politics by bashing Trump. Now, Leno has proven to be just another out-of-touch member of the liberal elite who mistakenly thinks that speaking out against Trump will somehow influence those who support the former president.

What do you think of Leno’s statements? Let us know in the comments section.

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