Jen Psaki slams ‘right-wing ecosystem’ for comparing her to Ronna McDaniel: ‘It’s about truth versus truth.’ Lies’


When MSNBC recently announced that it had hired former Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, it did what it always does: hire Republicans antagonistic to Donald Trump to vilify him on their airwaves.

But that wasn’t enough for some NBC personalities. Chuck Todd rejected the decision to hire her. So he did “Morning Joe” Scarborough.

So did former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, whose hiring of McDaniel was compared to that of a recent member of a presidential administration turned expert.

McDaniel was eventually fired. Psaki said it was a matter of whether she was telling the “truth” and McDaniel was telling “lies.”

We’re not kidding.

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Jen Psaki says Ronna put ‘democracy at risk’

Mediate reported, “Jen Psaki pushed back against critics who compared former RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s hiring at NBC to hers, accusing McDaniel of putting “democracy at risk” with her 2020 presidential election efforts “.

Reminder: Psaki – to this day – continues to support the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, even though this was completely disproved by the Mueller Report.

The story continued:

On her MSNBC show Monday night, Psaki took a few minutes to address voices in the “right-wing ecosystem” who defended McDaniel’s hiring by pointing to Psaki’s hiring…

“You may have seen some news in recent days about the hiring of former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as an NBC News contributor, and some, mostly in the right-wing ecosystem, have made the comparison to others who come from government or politics in the media , myself included, and this is a comparison I felt I had to face,” Psaki told his audience.

He recalled starting campaign work under Barack Obama in his early 20s and drew a distinction between his government service with Democrats and McDaniel’s work with the Republican Party.

“I was in the room for difficult debates, for difficult decisions, for the messy and sometimes incredibly exhausting process of governing, and that experience is something that I am extremely proud to bring to this table and to this network,” she said. “There are many others who have followed a similar path… but the point is this: that kind of experience matters and has value to viewers, all of you, only if it is coupled with honesty and good faith.”

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Psaki is a conspiracy theorist

Jen Psaki, like many Democrats, continues to suggest that the 2016 presidential election was stolen because Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, helped win it for Donald Trump. Somehow. Somehow.

But this type of misinformation is produced all the time on MSNBC. Nobody controls it. No one cares. Virtually everyone believes it.

Ronna McDaniel is Mitt Romney’s niece and would have been yet another Bush-Cheney era neoconservative Republican spouting all sorts of anti-Trump nonsense on their channel.

But even that was a bridge too far for what is essentially a state media outlet for the Democratic Party.

The radio host makes fun of the

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