
President Joe Biden was humbled this week by a new poll showing that nearly half of Democrats want to drop him from their party’s 2024 slate, and the leading choice to replace him is former First Lady Michelle Obama.
The poll represents bad news for Biden
A new Rasmussen Reports poll released earlier this week shows that 48% of Democratic voters surveyed said they approve of the party “finding another candidate to replace Joe Biden before the November election,” while 38% said frowned upon. However, 33% of Democrats believe such an electoral shake-up is unlikely to occur.
As for who would replace Biden, Obama emerged victorious with 20% support, earning him the top spot on a list of other potential nominees that included Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “None of the above” and “not sure” were also options listed on the survey.
Harris came in second behind Obama with 15% saying they would choose her, and Clinton came in third with 12% support. Newsom, who some say is running a “shadow campaign” for president in case Biden decides to retire, came in fourth with 11% of Democrats polled choosing him, while Whitmer came in fifth with just 9%. supporting.
Obama is “terrified” of the 2024 elections
This comes after Obama openly expressed his fears about this year’s presidential election in January.
“What will happen in the next elections? I’m terrified of what might happen, because our leaders matter,” Obama said, according to CNN. “Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, influences us in ways that sometimes I think people give for granted.”
“The fact that people think that the government – ‘huh, does it actually do anything?’ – And I think ‘Oh my God, the government does everything for us and we can’t take this democracy for granted,'” she continued. “And sometimes I worry that this is the case. These are the things that keep me awake.
Although she never mentioned Donald Trump by name, she managed to escape the accusations against him while, predictably, trying to insert race as much as possible.
“Bars are different for people in life. That’s what I’ve learned,” he said. “Other people can get indicted a lot of times and still run for office. Black men can’t. You just learn to be good. And in the end, you’ll benefit from that extra resilience.”
Full article: Michelle and Barack Obama admit they are ‘terrified’ of Trump winning in 2024
Ted Cruz’s warning about Obama
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned in September last year that Obama might run for president instead of Biden.
“Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps the most likely and the most dangerous,” Cruz said at the time, according to The Hill. “In August 2024, Democratic kingmakers toss out Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”
“Michelle Obama, because she’s been the first lady, has the ability to parachute in on all fours and say, ‘Hey, we’re not going to choose between any of you. You guys can all fight next time,’” she added. “I think in terms of a solution that unites Democrats. There’s nothing like it.”
Related: Michelle Obama gets nearly $750,000 for one-hour speech amid 2024 rumors
Michelle says she doesn’t want to run
Liberals have tried for years to convince Obama to run for president, but she has repeatedly said she has no interest in running for any kind of office.
“I have never expressed any interest in politics. Never,” she said in April last year, according to Rolling Stone. “I mean, I agreed to support my husband. He wanted to do it and he was great at it. But I never said, ‘I think I want to run.’ Never. So I just ask myself: does what I want have anything to do with anything? Does who I choose to be have anything to do with this?”
“Politics is tough,” he continued. “And the people who get into it – it’s just like marriage, it’s just like kids – you have to Want It. It has to be in your soul, because it is so important. AND Not in my soul. Service is in my soul. Helping people is in my soul. Working with children? I will spend my life trying to make children feel seen and find their light. This I will do. I don’t have to hold office to do that.”
“In fact, I think I’m more effective outside of politics, because unfortunately politics has become so divided,” Obama concluded. “The moment you declare a party, you have alienated the other half of the country. Now, maybe some people who don’t agree with me politically can still get some tools that can help them. Maybe I can help a Republican guy, because maybe they’ll listen to me.
Obama is so insanely and bafflingly popular that she would probably defeat any Republican candidate if she were to run for president. With Biden more unpopular than ever, it certainly wouldn’t be surprising if Democrats ended up trying to insert Obama into the race at the last minute.
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