Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison: We’re investigating automakers who make cars that are ‘too easy’ for youth to steal (VIDEO) | The Gateway Expert

During a recent appearance on MSNBC, far-left Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said he is investigating two major automakers for producing cars that are too easy for young people to steal.

This is the kind of retrograde thinking the left is imposing on the rest of the country.

They don’t want to accuse criminals of stealing cars, they want to attack car manufacturers for making cars too easy to steal. It’s really amazing that Ellison can go on national TV and say this with a straight face.

RedState reports:

We have seen many bad approaches to crime from the left, particularly from progressive prosecutors who seem to want to subvert law enforcement. We’ve seen this a lot lately: people being released who should never have been released and then committing horrible crimes.

There is a frequent failure to hold bad actors accountable. We see in cases of gun crimes, for example, where the fault somehow lies with the gun, the NRA, or the Republican Party rather than the bad actor and the people who have not held him accountable in the past for his bad actions. acts. Somehow it’s the evil gun’s fault.

Now we have another contender in this bizarre type of thinking from Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison…

“But we have to go against the grain and we have to make sure that cars are not so easy to steal that they are a tempting and attractive nuisance to young people. Right now we are investigating two major automakers because their cars are too easy for young people to steal,” she said.

Watch the clip below:

If someone burns down a house, do you go after the person who built the house because they made it too easy to burn?

If this makes sense to you, you might be on the left.

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