POLL: Fewer than four in 10 registered voters think Joe Biden deserves to be re-elected: worst numbers in 32 years | The Gateway Expert

Very few American voters believe Joe Biden should receive a second term as president, according to new Gallup polling.

It’s easy to see why. Inflation is still sky high, the southern border is non-existent, crime is terrible everywhere and seems to be getting worse. Conflicts are erupting all over the world and nothing seems stable.

If Joe Biden ran a private company, he would have been fired by now.

From the Gallup poll:

Fewer than four in ten registered US voters believe President Joe Biden deserves to be re-elected, while less than a quarter say the same about most members of the US House. As is almost always the case, voters are most likely to believe their district’s U.S. Representative should be returned to Congress, with 55% supporting this view…

As you would expect, the vast majority of registered Democratic voters (82%) versus the few Republican voters (3%) believe Biden should be re-elected. At 29%, independent voter support for a second Biden term is much closer to that of Republicans than Democrats…

In January of previous incumbent reelection years, Gallup asked whether former presidents Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, and George H. W. Bush deserved reelection. The same question was asked of George W. Bush (October 2003) and Barack Obama (December 2011) in the final years before they sought re-election.

Of these, the younger Bush (who won reelection) had the highest reelection rate, at 53%, while two incumbent presidents who lost, Trump at 50% and the elder Bush at 49%, achieved a slightly lower score. Although Biden’s current rating is the lowest of the last six presidents, his 38% is very similar to Clinton’s 44% and Obama’s 43%, both winners of second terms.

These are the worst reelection numbers in 32 years.

Yet the media continues to support Biden as if he is doing a good job. Is it any wonder why the media is collapsing faster than Biden’s poll numbers?

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