SAVE The Political Insider! – The political insider


**Call to all patriots**

The Political Insider has been the target of censorship and repression since 2016. We have stemmed the tide for the last 7 years, but it has become unsustainable with the cards stacked against us. Even the mainstream media is reaching a crisis point, with corporate publications like the LA Times and TIME Magazine announcing mass layoffs and Sports Illustrated going completely out of business. Imagine how difficult it is for an independent voice shunned by advertisers and Silicon Valley when even Forbes is underwater.

So our last hope is YOU, dear reader. Hundreds of thousands of loyal readers visit our site every month.

If we can reach 1,000 readers and donate $10 a month, we can not only fund our current operation, but potentially bring back content we were forced to shut down, such as our video interviews with public figures censored by corporate media, like Juanita Broaddrick and the great Roger Calculus.

If you care about balance in the media and want to see the success of small independent publishers, it’s up to you. You and only you can save The Political Insider with a small monthly contribution of just $10.

In exchange for your contribution, our benefactors will receive a private email in which you can share story suggestions and feedback directly with our editors. Help us improve and give you the coverage you want to see.

If we don’t reach our goal of 1,000 engagements by Monday February 5, The Political Insider will be forced to shut down most of our current content operations.

Our team has been giving our blood, sweat, and tears to The Political Insider for over a decade now. Rusty has even written over 7,500 articles! We LOVE telling you the stories that Fake News would rather leave hidden.

Please share this with any friends and family you know appreciate independent and conservative voices in the media.

We have appreciated your readers all these years and will be extremely grateful to those who show up for us now.

With gratitude,

Derek, Andrew, Rusty, Kat and John: the Political Insider team

Current progress


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