This article originally appeared on WND.com
Guest via post by Bob Unruh
Passing through Biden’s open border
There is a new report charging that there may be two million terrorists who have gained access to the United States and are now within the borders, following Joe Biden’s open borders policies for the nation’s security.
That some entered is beyond doubt, since border security teams confirmed they also stopped those on terrorism watchlists at the border, and those experts really have no way of monitoring those who are missing.
Biden opened the borders when he took office, halting virtually all border security measures that had been put in place during President Donald Trump’s term.
Since then, so many millions of illegal immigrants have entered the country that even “sanctuary” cities, whose officials claim to support the world’s migrant population, have insisted the flooding must be stopped.
A law enforcement source just returned from the National Sheriffs’ Association winter conference and confirmed to me this morning that approximately 2 million terrorist suspects have crossed the border and are currently in the United States. I have reached out to the Chicago FBI office for comment… pic.twitter.com/9h3H8TJ0Ph
– Reporter William J. Kelly #thatreporter (@Williamjkelly) February 14, 2024
Now journalist William J. Kelly has published a report, citing a source from the National Sheriff’s Association.
This information explains that two million suspected terrorists may have already crossed the border into the United States
Kelly, in his “Chicago Files” report, noted that the Democratic National Convention is scheduled for Chicago.
That leaves circumstances to place a “bullseye” on the city, he said.
Border experts have confirmed that many of those entering the United States through Biden’s open border are men, of military age and often traveling without families.
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