Trends in Content Localization – Moz

Multinational fast food chains are one of the best-known examples of how product menus sometimes need to change significantly to serve different audiences. The video above is just a brief overview of the same business selling smokehouse burgers, kofta, paneer and rice bowls in a bid to attract people in a variety of locations. I can’t personally judge the validity of these representations, but what I can see is that, in these cases, you are not simply localizing your content but the products on which your content is based.

Sometimes, even the branding of companies is different around the world; what we call Burger King in America is Hungry Jack’s in Australia, Lays fries here are Sabritas in Mexico, and DiGiorno frozen pizza is familiar in the United States, but in Canada they know it as Delissio.

Stories of product customization failures often become famous, probably because some of them may seem funny from afar, but cultural sensitivity should always be taken seriously. If a brand you are marketing is on its way to becoming a major global seller, the best insurance against reputational damage and lost revenue resulting from cultural insensitivity is to hire regional and cultural experts whose lived, first-hand experiences can manage the organization. in acting with awareness and respect.

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