Trump compares himself disastrously to Navalny

Donald Trump’s only thought after the death of Alexei Navalny at the hands of Putin was about himself.

What Trump said about Navalny

Trump posted on Truth Social:

The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me increasingly aware of what is happening in our country. It’s a slow and steady progression, with CROOKED, radical left politicians, prosecutors and judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open borders, rigged elections, and grossly unfair court decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A NATION IN FAILURE! MAGA2024

There has been no sympathy for Navalny’s death, or for the way he was unjustly imprisoned and killed for opposing a dictator while fighting for democracy. Trump does not mention Putin or say a bad word about the man who caused Navalny’s death.

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Navalny’s death is all about Donald Trump in Donald Trump’s mind.

Two of the things on Trump’s list that are destroying America are Trump losing the 2020 election and Trump facing a judgment of more than $400 million for fraud in the state of New York. Two of these three things have nothing to do with life in America. These are individual circumstances related to Trump.

The former president remains disinterested and unable to think about anything or anyone outside of himself.

Trump may end up being convicted of a crime, but if he is, it will be because he was found guilty in a fair trial by a jury of his peers.

Donald Trump is trying to end democracy and the justice system in the United States, while Navalnyg fought for democracy and justice.

The two have nothing in common.

Trump’s statement demonstrated to voters that nothing has changed with the former president, and that he is still the wrong choice to return to the White House.

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