Donald Trump’s visit to Chick-fil-A in Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday caused quite a stir. Not only in the restaurant, but also on social media.
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was seen ordering “30 milkshakes and also some chicken” for customers.
“I know this menu better than you,” he joked to the fast food employees. “I probably know this better than anyone else here.”
The media had a typical knee-jerk reaction, trying to find a negative angle on a rather interesting story. The New York Daily News denounced the visit as an “attempt to woo local voters.”
The left-wing newspaper Axios asked: “Does this come from your wallet or your campaign funds?”
Donald Trump just walked into a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta and ordered 30 milkshakes! What do you notice in their reaction? pic.twitter.com/hqGx5FHgUb
— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) April 10, 2024
RELATED: Former NYT editor reveals he was attacked by HR for hanging out at Chick-fil-A ‘because they hate gays’
The media reaction is ironic. Especially considering a video of Trump’s visit to Chick-fil-A went viral.
“I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump,” a young black woman declares in the clip posted on the social media platform X. “We support you!”
The comment prompts Trump to make a playful request.
“Let me hug you,” he says.
The woman happily complies and hugs the former president before posing for photos.
Another man can be heard around the same time as this exchange shouting, “I love you, man. I love you.”
He is truly the people’s presidentpic.twitter.com/OuoDvFuQ2j
— Family moments (@Family_viralvid) April 11, 2024
RELATED: Hillary Clinton tries, but fails, to bash Trump on solar eclipse
Perhaps the media reaction is understandable when put into context. First, they don’t want anything to emerge in the public sphere that would indicate Trump is gaining support from black voters. It would be devastating for Biden’s campaign.
Second, we know what the media thinks about Trump, but we also know what the media thinks about Chick-fil-A.
Just ask former New York Times editor Adam Rubenstein who wrote about his career orientation at the newspaper of record. An orientation where he conducted an exercise and admitted that his favorite sandwich is “the spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A.”
That comment created a four-alarm fire at the Gray Lady. And she gave us one of the greatest stories ever told about the NYT and why they are the way they are:
The HR representative leading the orientation scolded me, “We don’t do that here. They hate gay people.” People began snapping their fingers in cheer. I hadn’t thought about the fact that Chick-fil-A was transgressive in liberal circles because of its president’s opposition to gay marriage. “Not politics, chicken,” I said immediately, but it was too late. I sat down, ashamed.
– Adam Rubenstein, The Atlantic
Trump famously served Chick-fil-A to a college football team celebrating its championship in 2019, and the media was convinced he would dare serve fast food at the White House.
In fact, they began analyzing his health and linked it to his passion for fast food. Because Bill Clinton apparently never liked McDonald’s french fries.
As for support from black voters?
MSNBC recently hosted a panel discussion in a black barbershop and things didn’t go according to plan. Participants explained that Trump was actually an option for African American voters like them.
“Of course,” one man replied. “A lot of my friends are obviously my age, so we’re a little younger. We only voted once, you know, for president, and Trump is pretty much all we know.
“They say, ‘Well, we’re broke under Biden. We weren’t with Trump.”And that’s the one thing I hear over and over again… ‘With Trump, we had money,'” he explains. “Well, okay, I hear you guys. But personally, morally, I couldn’t see myself.”
MSNBC: “Are there some people in your orbit who are voting for Donald Trump or considering him?”
Voter: “Sure. A lot of my friends are… they’re fine, we’re broke with Biden, we weren’t with Trump… with Trump, we had money.” pic.twitter.com/Q5IuAZ1nN7
— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) February 2, 2024
A New York Times poll from November shows support for Trump among black voters approaching unprecedented levels.
“Black voters — long a bastion for Democrats and Biden — are now recording 22% support for Trump in these states, a level never seen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times,” the Times feared .
The Philadelphia Inquirer cites two polls with nearly matching numbers showing that about 23% of black voters support Trump.
Maybe it’s because, as the woman above states, they don’t care what the media says.

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