UAE banks conduct cyber warfare gaming exercises

Banks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently participated in a simulated cyber attack event that tested their ability to counter cyber risks and identified their strengths and weaknesses.

The UAE Cyber ​​Wargaming event is an initiative created to protect the UAE’s digital infrastructure and banking sector. It was organized by the Central Bank of the UAE, the Cyber ​​Security Council of the UAE Government and the Federation of UAE Banks (UBF).

According to, the event was attended by representatives of UAE banks, financial and technology institutions, strategic partners of UBF and cybersecurity experts from the banking and financial sector. Press release.

“Organizing these cybersecurity workshops confirms UBF’s commitment to prioritizing banking system security and information security,” said Jamal Saleh, UBF Director General.

The banking sector event follows Qatar’s national exercise in November 2023 which was intended to determine cyber weaknesses, assess cyber readiness and measure the ability to address attacks and threats.

Saleh noted that events like these help develop fraud prevention solutions and keep pace with changes in the legislative and regulatory environment.

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