Victor reacts: everything is white supremacy, even reading? (VIDEO) | The Gateway Expert

If you really love reading and writing, this will be bad news. Apparently this is white supremacy.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit,

A parent shared a disturbing worksheet provided to students in a Seattle Public Schools high school English class as part of Black Lives Matter at School Week with KTTH radio host Jason Rantz.

Rantz reports that students in a world literature and composition class at Lincoln High School were given a handout with definitions of the “9 Characteristics of White Supremacy.”

Examples include “The worship of the written word” because it is “an erasure of the wide range of ways we communicate with each other.”

Furthermore, he suggests that it is wrong to value written communication because it is a form of “honoring only what is written and also only what is written according to a narrow standard, full of misinformation and lies.”

The worksheet labels “objectivity,” “individualism,” and “perfectionism” as white supremacy. If students deny their racism – or that any of the nine characteristics are legitimately racist – it is also white supremacy. Denialism or being overly defensive is a racist example of “the right to name what is a [sic] it is not racism and that those in power have the right to be protected from the stress of anti-racist work.”

Nothing helps raise test scores like telling students that a love of reading and writing makes a white supremacist. These young people are subjected to an unreasonable amount of race-baiting, paid for with taxpayer money. No wonder test scores are so bad.

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