What is branded search and how to increase it

Likewise, Moz has made a name for itself in the SEO space as a thought leader by creating comprehensive SEO resources and engaging audiences with educational content that makes SEO strategies accessible and implementable.

The result?

By cultivating a community and consistently providing top-notch content, Moz has solidified its authority in the SEO space and has seen notable growth in its customer base.

2. Make branded backlinks work for you

As part of your comprehensive SEO plan, you should invest more efforts in obtaining high-quality backlinks.

Backlinks act as trust signals to search engines like Google, indicating that your site is a credible source of information. When a high-authority website links to your content, Google sees it as an endorsement and may rank your site higher in search results.

While getting branded anchor backlinks (backlinks that contain your brand name in the anchor text) is critical, ensuring these links come from credible sources is equally important.

Association with websites known to sell links can damage your website’s reputation. You can try tools like Linktegrity and Moz’s Spam Score to see if a site is known or suspected of engaging in link selling and to reduce the Spam links pointing to your site.

For most link building campaigns on Jolly SEO, we implement two services:

1. Raising awareness among journalists: one of the main services we focus on:

  • Propose stories or content to journalists.

  • Earn high-quality backlinks from trusted publications using Connectively (formerly HARO), ProfNet, Featured and Help A B2B Writer.

  • Strengthen the customer’s Domain Authority

2. Whitehat link building: Backlinks should be earned, not purchased. By doing so, we rightly get branded anchor text backlinks. With the right effort, this strategy proves exceptionally effective.

Over the past year, the Jolly SEO team has sent over 75,000 personalized email pitches. We turned to publishers who recognize and value the experience, expertise, authority and trustworthiness (EEAT) of the content we create. As a result, our clients have seen increases in organic traffic ranging from 250% to 1,200%.

3. Put more effort into brand marketing

To attract more people to your site and make them recognize your brand, it is essential to use all of your marketing methods.

Since people interact with various types of media, it is crucial to promote your brand on platforms where your audience is active.

“Branded search is the byproduct of word of mouth, so the real opportunity is to increase all those touchpoints that digital attribution software can’t capture,” underlines Brendan Hufford, of Growth Sprint.

Regarding investments in brand marketing, he adds: “Talk to customers to find out where your audience is online and show up there. Sponsor their favorite podcast. Run ads before their favorite YouTube videos. Be active in their favorite subreddits.”

Ben Goodey, the founder of Goodey Marketing, agrees and adds: “The best way to increase brand search is to invest in brand marketing.”

For brands on a budget“Well continue”this could mean national advertising campaigns. For most of us, that means investing heavily in quality organic content on social media, the podcast aspect, and content marketing.

Your audience interacts with various types of media, so you should use different methods to increase your brand’s search traffic. Why?

When your brand is visible on various platforms such as SERPs, forums, social media, and podcasts, people will likely search for your company on Google to learn more about your offering.

Brendan suggests the following tactics to get your brand in front of your target audience:

  1. Talk to customers to find out where your audience is online

  2. Introduce yourself on those platforms to connect with them

  3. Sponsor their favorite podcasts

  4. Post ads on their favorite YouTube channels

  5. Be active in their favorite subreddits.

4. Capture demand to drive brand interest

Driving branded search and creating branded keywords is how you generate demand for your product.

When people already know about a brand, they are more likely to search for it directly. The real benefit is broadening the brand’s reach and penetrating a larger market.

To exploit this opportunity it is necessary to create new demand.

Usman AkramHead of SEO Growth Strategy at Flying Cat Marketing, Stocks, “Brand research can only be amplified with activities that create new demand. SEO can be used for this purpose if you approach it with a demand creation mindset.”

“For example, if I offer a plugin for ChatGPT, no one knows about my plugin, but everyone knows ChatGPT. I would create content on topics like: Can ChatGPT do own solution and then I will be able to present my plugin as an add-on, thus creating demand for my product and increasing brand search”, adds Akram.

Following Usman’s unique take on demand creation with SEO, here are three ways to capture search demand.

1. Nurture customer relationships

When companies use strategies like personalized messaging, loyalty rewards, and providing great customer service, they create lasting connections with their customers.

These loyal customers often engage more with the brand, tell others about it, and keep coming back, which leads to steady business growth.

2. Leverage social media to capture demand

Using social media as part of your strategy to attract customers can increase your visibility and acquire important leads.

By interacting with people on social media, posting content they find interesting, and joining conversations, you can grab their attention, make your brand more known, and get more people to visit your website.

3. Innovate new products and run experiments

Innovating, launching new products or services, and teaching the market what makes them special can help you generate new demand that will be easy to capture since you are the creator of the category here.

But keep in mind that gaining authority and boosting brand searches takes time. The results of your SEO efforts will show only after you have dedicated a good amount of time and work on marketing your brand.

While we’re on the topic of branded organic search, it’s worth noting that in tough competition, your rivals may bid on your brand name to rank higher than you.

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