What the hell? New poll finds NEARLY ONE-FIFTH of voters ‘likely’ to support candidate endorsed by Taylor Swift | The Gateway Expert

A shocking new poll has revealed that almost a fifth of voters are “likely” to support a candidate backed by pop star Taylor Swift.

The poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek found that 18% of voters are “more likely” or “significantly more likely” to vote for a candidate with Swift’s endorsement.

Its influence was even more evident among respondents under the age of 35.

Newsweek reports that “the poll found that an endorsement from Swift would have the greatest impact on younger voters. About 3 in 10 Americans under 35 said they would be more likely to vote for a Swift-backed candidate. Only 4% of Americans aged 65 and older said they would be affected by Swift’s endorsement.”

A small majority, 55%, said they would not be swayed in any way by Swift’s endorsement.

“Celebrities are gods in this young nation,” public relations expert Richard Laermer told Newsweek.

The report notes that “41 million members of Gen Z will be eligible to vote in November.”

While he did not directly endorse Joe Biden in 2020, he vowed to vote former President Donald Trump out of office in a Twitter post.

“After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the courage to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?” Swift wrote on May 29, 2020. “’When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November.”

The singer was referring to Trump’s comments during the deadly 2020 Black Lives Matter riots.

Swift has also repeatedly expressed her disdain for Sen. Marsha Blackburn, a Republican, and endorsed her Democratic challenger in 2018.

Blackburn still won.

The survey, which had a sample of 1,500 eligible voters, was conducted on Jan. 18 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.53%.

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