Why dogs eat poop

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Dogs eating their own poop and that of other animals, a habit otherwise known as “coprophagia” or “coprophagia,” can sometimes be normal. However, owners should be able to distinguish between a normal phase of poop eating and a habit formed due to behavioral or medical problems. Read on to find out why your dog eats poop, whether you need to seek professional help, and how to deal with the problem if it arises.

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Why do dogs eat their own feces and that of other animals?

There are several reasons why your dog might eat his own poop and that of other dogs and animals such as cats. In the puppy stage, when dogs don’t have enough bacteria in their stomachs, consuming feces is a common way to accumulate them. And as long as it doesn’t unnecessarily prolong into adulthood, there should be no cause for concern.

However, habitual poop eaters, especially if they are adult dogs, may be giving you signs that something is not right. Whether the cause is behavioral or medical will be easily determined by a veterinarian.

Behavioral causes

There are some external factors that can cause dog behaviors such as poop eating. Females, for example, instinctively eat their young’s poop to keep their grooming area clean. Puppies may learn this behavior from their dog mothers, mistakenly mistake poop for actual food, and be unable to unlearn it when they reach adulthood.

Another factor to take into consideration is house training your dog. If it involved punishments such as being confined to a kennel, it is likely that they developed anxiety about their own feces. Your dog may also be seeking attention through behavior that will cause you to react.

Medical causes

While it may seem like a purely behavioral issue, eating their own feces could also be a sign that something is wrong with your dog’s health. Some medical problems that might cause your dog to eat dog poop, cat poop, or other animal poop include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies (caused by nutritional malabsorption, intestinal parasites, unbalanced diets, etc.)
  • Conditions that cause appetite fluctuations (e.g. Cushing’s disease, thyroid problems, etc.)
  • Reactions to prescribed medications
  • Food intolerances or allergies

How to get a dog to stop eating poop

Getting rid of the poop eating habit in dogs will first require dog owners to narrow down why the behavior occurs. If it is due to medical conditions or other health problems, a veterinary surgeon (DVM) will help owners determine the cause and what the best course of treatment may be.

If the cause is purely behavioral, dog training with lots of positive reinforcement may be the best route to take. While some owners may be tempted to use deterrent products, it’s always a good idea to ask your vet before doing so.

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Frequently asked questions about why dogs eat poop

What is the best deterrent for dogs eating poop?

There are some products that owners use to make poop seem less appealing to their dogs. These include treats, powders and sprays usually billed as deterrents against poop or feces consumption. Before adopting this measure, ask your vet if it is a good option for your dog.

What supplement can I give my dog ​​to stop eating poop?

Studies suggest that some dogs eat poop because they are deficient in vitamin B. However, you should always consult a licensed veterinarian before adding any supplements to your dog’s diet as they may not necessarily have nutritional deficiencies. The same goes for using home remedies. Depending on the cause, your dog may need to be switched to high-quality dog ​​food or a more balanced diet, digestive enzyme supplements, dog training, etc.

How do you clean a dog’s mouth after eating poop?

While you can wait for your dog’s saliva to do its job once he’s eaten and drank water, you can always brush his teeth as you normally would.

Summary of Money’s guide to why dogs eat poop

  • Your dog’s habit of eating poop, while completely normal under certain circumstances, could also be indicative of something wrong.
  • The reasons why your dog might eat feces could be behavioral or medical and range from incorrect associations between food and poop to illnesses that affect his appetite.
  • Successfully correcting the habit will require determining why it is happening, which can best be done by a licensed veterinarian.
  • Before giving your dog supplements or stool-eating deterrents, consult a veterinarian to make sure it is safe and will actually help him.

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